What is the Government Doing About Microplastics?
What happens to all the plastic that we throw away? It persists in the environment, where it can cause problems, especially if it’s in the form of small pieces, called microplastics.
What happens to all the plastic that we throw away? It persists in the environment, where it can cause problems, especially if it’s in the form of small pieces, called microplastics.
Contrary to popular belief, the federal government is not a monolithic mass. Rather, federal organizations differ from one another almost as much as do private organizations—each distinguished by its own culture, work environment, budgetary and IT resources and varied factors that influence how quickly employees ascend the career ladder. Even agencies and offices within theRead… Read more »
There are lots of jobs with stigmas attached to them. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard at least one or two lawyer jokes in our lifetime. Speaking of which… A lawyer walks into a bar. Just kidding…I’m not going down that road. Government employees sometimes get a bad rap, but the truthRead… Read more »
The series Empire has captivated quite an array of audience. The series is centered on a Hip hop music and entertainment company, Empire Enterprises, and the drama among the members as they fight for positions within the company as well as the dynamics that takes place in its environment. When I watch Empire each week,Read… Read more »
Governments around the world now rely on social media services to reach and engage citizens, disseminate information, to monitor what people are saying and source intelligence to help address crises. Many businesses also rely on digital channels for revenue and engagement reasons. So what happens when an online service that an organisation uses updates itsRead… Read more »
A joint survey by Grant Thornton and the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis shows agency budget managers are confident their organizations can meet federally-mandated budget caps in fiscal 2015, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday. More than two-thirds of survey respondents show signs of optimism for the next fiscal year’s budget and have beenRead… Read more »
The General Services Administration is looking for a new location that would function as a consolidated headquarters for the FBI. Landowners in the District of Columbia and neighboring counties have been asked to submit proposals for the new site and GSA will accept submissions through Dec. 17. “GSA seeks to identify sites that would beRead… Read more »
A Government Accountability Office report says federal agencies have largely not developed comprehensive plans to consolidate information technology systems under the PortfolioStat initiative, Nextgov reported Wednesday. Joseph Marks writes GAO identified 200 IT reform opportunities that could save agencies up to $5.8 billion through 2015. GAO’s savings projection is more than double the $2.5 billionRead… Read more »
Both technology manufacturers and resellers will compete under a potential 10-year, $20 billion government-wide information technology contract vehicle run by a National Institutes of Health office, the Washington Post reported Sunday. Marjorie Censer writes that NIH’s Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center intends to award 50 contracts under the Chief Information Officer-Commodities and Solutions programRead… Read more »
The Defense Information Systems Agency has moved to consolidate its data centers and information technology infrastructures as part of efforts to reduce operational costs. DISA moved the operations of its data centers in Dayton, Ohio and Chambersburg, Pa. into the Defense Enterprise Computing Centers on Oct. 1, the agency said Thursday. This effort is partRead… Read more »