Posts Tagged: agile

Think Agile in Modular Acquisition for IT

By Tom Kuhn, PhD, DAWIA III Government agencies need the most innovative IT solutions, but they also need to “innovate with less.” That’s where Modular Acquisition comes in, taking a “small bites” approach to IT investment, which gives government fast access to the latest technology while lowering the risk of upfront spending on systems. TheRead… Read more »

Is government IT TOO big to succeed?

As the world has become dependent on information technology (IT), so has the federal government and its constituencies. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. TheRead… Read more »

The DOD caught with its Pants down – A Revolution in Risk Assessment needed?

The DOD caught with its Pants down – A Revolution in Risk Assessment needed? It seems to have passed commentators by, but the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently uncovered a major under-reporting of risk at the Department of Defense. (see Figure 1 below).1 The GAO’s recommendations read like a school report: the DOD shouldRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live – Experts Weigh in on Tech Trends

A special edition of the DorobekINSIDER today we went LIVE. This is the second time we’ve done this and we’ll be doing it regularly in next year. The idea is to get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Today, we’re lookingRead… Read more »

Is Tech Missing a Skilled Workforce? Yes, says Ed. Dept. Senior Procurement Officer

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Will Mobility Define 2013? Interior Department CIO Bernie Mazer says Yes!

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

NASA CIO Linda Cureton Peers into her 2013 Tech Crystal Ball

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Malcolm Jackson, CIO at EPA talks Tech Trends

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Facebook Town Halls and Google Hangouts With the President: Social Media in 2012

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Changing Traditional Project Management: 15 Tips on Bringing Agile Methodology to Government

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »