Posts Tagged: AI adoption

Strategic Priorities for Agencies to Achieve Cost Effective AI 

The high costs associated with implementing advanced AI technology are often a significant barrier for agencies looking to adopt such tools. But certain cost-effective strategies — including upskilling, shared AI resources, and efficient tools — can help agencies dramatically reduce development costs.

Addressing Federal Workforce Skill Gaps: AI-Driven Upskilling with Service Management

New AI technology available to the federal government is creating new opportunities for efficiency across agencies. However, many federal employees lack the skills required to manage and innovate with AI tools, creating a skills gap that could challenge the government’s ability to fully utilize AI capabilities to streamline government services. By implementing a centralized AI… Read more »

Preparing Federal Agency Infrastructure for AI Using a 3-Year Strategic Plan

How should federal agencies plan for AI technology? To fully harness the power of AI, federal agencies should create a clear AI roadmap outlining their goals, timelines, and key milestones. This roadmap should be flexible, allowing for adjustments as new technologies emerge and federal priorities shift.

Six Considerations for Evaluating GenAI Solutions for Fast Deployment Today

Vendors offer a bewildering array of GenAI solutions, all of which seem very similar. Some agencies have paused on evaluations to foster consensus, but the question remains: How can government agencies determine whether it is possible to deploy an effective GenAI solution today?