Posts Tagged: air-force

Air Force Case Study: Cost Savings from Modernizing Technology

Everywhere you look technology has been implemented to help government agencies cut costs and improve efficiencies. At all levels of government, agencies are working to cut and streamline services. Amidst a staggering economy, agencies are continually pressed to meet increasing demands from citizens, while funding resources becomes increasingly scarce. Ultimately, many agencies have looked towardsRead… Read more »

Holograms for the Intelligence Community, White House Mandates Digitization, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Air Force issued a broad agency announcement for concept papers to develop its Cyberspace Warfare Operations focusing on offensive capabilities. More here. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is looking to develop holographic imagery and data displays. More here. The Federal CIO Council released recommendationsRead… Read more »

Get Rid of That Stuff!

Many of us have used our local Freecycle networks, but sometimes it’s a little scary giving out your email/address/phone number to strangers. The concept of giving and getting free stuff is awesome, especially when it keeps that “stuff” out of a landfill and helps save your money! What about the extra “stuff” you keep pushingRead… Read more »

Public Affairs Cuts in the DoD Budget Efficiencies Memo (UPDATED)

The long awaited budget cutting efficiencies promised by Secretary of Defense Gates were outlined in a decision memo signed on Monday, 14 March, 2011 and now making its way around the Pentagon much to the chagrin of many in the building. I did a quick pull of the specific hits in the public affairs andRead… Read more »

This is Govable: The U.S. Air Force Small Business Website

Get ready for another installment of This is Govable, a series that will highlight positive government examples of improved collaboration through technology and design. Today’s example that I’d like to share with you is the U.S. Air Force Small Business website*. (Background information provided by Tim Dzyacky): The U.S. Air Force Small Business program hasRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Want to Really Honor Them? Give a Vet a Job!

Tomorrow is Veterans Day and we’re all thinking about the significant sacrifice that our soldiers make every day. Federal Diary columnist Joe Davidson at the Washington Post suggests that one of the best ways we can truly honor them is to put them at the top of the pile for jobs: How to truly honorRead… Read more »