Posts Tagged: America

FutureGov competition winner reports back from PDF09

Back in January we ran a competition to send one lucky gov lover to Washington to attend the Politics Online conference. As it turns out, once we’d got everything tied up, it was time for Personal Democracy Forum 2009, so we shifted our plans and I travelled with competition winner Liz Azyan to PDF instead!Read… Read more »

Images of America: Pine City

Has anyone read or glanced at an “Images of America” book featuring any of many places in the U.S.? I’m working on Pine City’s version of the book. I was just wondering what everyone else thought of the series and whether anyone out there had ideas or suggestions for me.

10 Best Jobs in America

The Web never ceases to surprise me. Here comes a list of 10 Best Jobs in America (and there is a list of 10 Worst jobs too!) published by Tony Lee on his site by ranking 200 jobs based on five criteria of stress, physical demands, hiring outlook, compensation and work environment: 1. MathematicianRead… Read more »