Automate to Keep Mission-Critical Apps Running
To meet application expectations, organizations have to fix issues right away. And when you don’t have automation capabilities, it becomes difficult to pinpoint and fix snags in real time.
To meet application expectations, organizations have to fix issues right away. And when you don’t have automation capabilities, it becomes difficult to pinpoint and fix snags in real time.
Using APM, your application team can monitor the end user experience of cloud, web or enterprise mobile apps running on physical, virtual or mobile devices.
Using an application performance management solution, agencies can proactively monitor the end user experience of any local, cloud or enterprise mobile app.
Because the application became much more efficient, employee satisfaction increased significantly and citizens viewed the agency as more valuable.
As government agencies look to modernize their IT environments, they face the challenge of implementing a digital transformation strategy that will allow them to: update and rationalize legacy technology systems; take advantage of the benefits of a cloud environment; foster a culture that results in faster, higher quality release cycles and continually lift the benchmark… Read more »
CIOs in both the private and public sector are under the gun to do more with less. Agency CIOs, especially, must reduce costs, as directed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2011. The OMB, for its part, expected agency heads to submit budgets that cut at least 5 percent from thisRead… Read more »
CIOs in the federal sector were under the gun clean house by June 12, 2012. According to the federal IT Reform Plan, these tech leaders had to demonstrate to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that, after careful review of their portfolios, they had remedied or retired underperforming applications. I recently wrote about theRead… Read more »