One Login for Gov? Security Experts Say It’s Possible
The fantasy of a single login with access to multiple public sector services isn’t so far-fetched, cybersecurity experts say.
Citizen Engagement, Cybersecurity, Digital Government
The fantasy of a single login with access to multiple public sector services isn’t so far-fetched, cybersecurity experts say.
Digital Government, Policy, Project Management
The city of Detroit and the state of Arizona are two government entities that benefited from embracing lifecycle grants management, which is an automated process of managing grants.
A flexible procurement solution allows agencies to take advantage of the use of intelligent workflow, increased automation and improved transparency.
Digital Government, State and Local
Check out some of Arizona’s best IT modernization practices.
Under the supervision of the Accounting Manager this accountant exercises practical experience and professional judgment in applying Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in a governmental enterprise environment and sales oriented business. Participates in the documentation and entry of transactions in the state financial system (AFIS), the human resources information system (HRIS), AZ procurement system (ProcureAZ)Read… Read more » An estimated 7,500 Syrians have been killed by President Bashar Assad’s military during the past year, a fact that has led Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to call for U.S.-led air strikes to stop the slaughter of unarmed civilians being carried out by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying: “Providing military assistance toRead… Read more »
[Publicly-shareable version of this post (not protected by login):] As of Thursday evening, 9/8/11, much of Southern California, Arizona and Northern Mexico remain in darkness due to an apparent, tripped 500k volt power line near Yuma, AZ, that has resulted in major, regional power outages. Friends and colleagues in our Crisis Commons community areRead… Read more »
The bill was heard Wednesday by a House Judiciary subcommittee, and would require U.S. employers to use E-Verify to check workers’ citizenship. It purpose is to create jobs for unemployed Americans by keeping illegal immigrants out of the job market, and would do nationally what Arizona has required of employers for several years — makeRead… Read more »
Arizona lawmakers this year decided to add a voluntary contribution fund called “I Didn’t Pay Enough” to Arizona’s income tax form this year. The results? 386 taxpayers gave the state an extra $13,204 to Arizona’s general fund. Arizona residents donations averaged $34 with a range of 1 -10 dollars the most prevalent, with one taxRead… Read more »
This morning I talked to the medical director for EMS and Trauma in Arizona, a state that’s been very progressive in seeking to reduce cardiac arrest deaths (they did the studies that showed simple compression-only CPR can be more effective than traditional methods). He told me that Arizona will be partnering with the San RamonRead… Read more »