Navigating Grants in Times of Crisis: Lessons From ARRA
These personal lessons from a grants professional who navigated funding during the Great Recession can help you manage COVID-19 grants.
These personal lessons from a grants professional who navigated funding during the Great Recession can help you manage COVID-19 grants.
Congress is considering expanding the transparency provisions first developed for the Recovery Act to all federal spending. A new report looks back at states’ experiences in implementing the federal reporting requirements and offers insights for the potential of extending such requirements. Since 2009, the public has been able to track the outlay of more thanRead… Read more »
While “austerity” is the buzz word in the federal government today, just three years ago the government had launched a massive recovery operation to stem the tide of what looked like a bottomless recession by spending $787 billion as fast as possible. How did career feds make it happen right? While there are debates asRead… Read more »
President Obama created a new oversight board in June 2011 as part of his new Campaign to Cut Government Waste. He directed it to report to him in December on ways to improve accountability, based on lessons from the implementation of the Recovery Act. That report is now out. President Obama created the Government AccountabilityRead… Read more »
President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of the implementation of the $787 billion Recovery Act. Ed DeSeve had an eagle eye’s view of the interaction between agencies, states, localities, and non-profits. He shares his lessons learned from Recovery Act implementation, as well as advice for “the next big implementation challenge,” whatever that mightRead… Read more »
States and localities were the front line for implementation of more than $275 billion in spending via more than 65 programs. They also faced pressures to spend, spend quickly, spend wisely – and report what they did in almost real-time. A new IBM Center report examines what happened in several cities in Virginia. In 2009,Read… Read more »
7 Reasons Federal Government Contractors should consider their advantages in the state and local marketplace. Jennifer Schaus Jennifer Schaus & Associates Washington, DC HOST OF B2G MONTHLY NETWORKING: Jennifer Schaus Jennifer Schaus & Associates Washington, DC B2G Consulting & Marketing
Workplaces in the private sector and the public sector have many similarities. After all, objectives need to be met and daily work needs to get accomplished. Through our experience with business process management we have identified five major differences between sectors: The Election Cycle Term Limits Legislative Controls Human Resources Structures Revenue is usually notRead… Read more »
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has provided government agencies with great opportunities to spend money on their local projects. The President’s new initiatives also require accountability. With these new expectations in place, it would not be prudent to spend the funds wildly. However, as is often the case, the funds will only existRead… Read more »