Milwaukee County Sees Promise in Machine Learning
Milwaukee County uses machine learning to help identify discriminatory language in statutes.
Milwaukee County uses machine learning to help identify discriminatory language in statutes.
New technology helps agencies deliver better customer service and improve their operations. All that advancement, though, comes at a cost: It makes things more complex.
More attention is being given to how data can solve challenges around digital services. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are powerful tools that can help.
Agency data is increasingly vulnerable to attacks by malicious actors — and older IT systems can do little about it. A new, analytic IT approach is more secure and helps agencies better fulfill their missions.
There are many ways to overwhelm employees: budget and staffing shortfalls, hastily sketched out ideas, too much technology. But there are ways to help people avoid burnout and do well with what they have.
Ask intelligent minds from across government to talk about innovation, and there’s one thing they all say: It can be a long and difficult journey. Here are insights from public-sector experts and industry gurus.
AI has transformed how government operates and interacts with citizens. There are challenges, though, and additional opportunities.
The time to think about artificial intelligence (AI) at your agency is sooner rather than later due to concerns like data security, transparency and bias.
AI and ML solutions can increase agencies’ efficiency, improve job satisfaction, and increase the quality of services offered to constituents.
Responsible for carrying out the election were not just poll workers and election officials, but thousands of IT staffers around the country who defended against cyberattacks.