Virtual Volunteering: 10 Ways to Make a Difference
One of the best ways to get focused during a crisis is to help others. So, let’s look at how volunteering can work for anyone: 10 ways to virtual volunteer.
One of the best ways to get focused during a crisis is to help others. So, let’s look at how volunteering can work for anyone: 10 ways to virtual volunteer.
GoFundMe and Deepak Chopra partnered to raise money for federal employees directly impacted by the shutdown through the Government Shutdown Direct Relief Fund.
Task force focused on the technology procurement process as it applies to the state and local government sector Ashburn, VA (January 7, 2014). The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security—is pleased to announce the report entitled, Strategies for Procurement Innovation and Reform. The report,Read… Read more »
An Interview with Robyn Kehoe, Director of Field Operations Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund (FEEA) As a result of widespread furloughs in the federal government, you or someone you know may be facing a financial rough patch right now. That’s why the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA) was created – to helpRead… Read more »
Thousands of angry protesters gathered outside Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield recently, chanting “Death to America,” firing slingshots, and hurling firebombs at the NATO base in the wake of reports that soldiers had burned a copy of the Koran. The commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) acknowledged that personnel at the base had “improperly disposedRead… Read more »
By Heidi Sheppard On a typical INEAP meeting day I might hear a conversation among representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussing cluster development initiatives and how to work together. In another corner, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of CommerceRead… Read more »
Once again I’m reminded of how lingering grief sits heavy on many people’s minds and bodies, hearts and souls; and yet this hulking ghost is often barely recognized in a “TNT” – “Time, Numbers, & Technology” – driven and distracted world. Actually, this psychic specter has the potential to both trigger volatility and be emotionallyRead… Read more »
I analyzed SOTA for all remarks, plans, legislation, ideas to support JOBS and TRAINING and EDUCATION in the US for 2012. I came up with 11 major points that were made. I wrote this: “The initiatives described in the State of the Union may or may not be offering you real jobs today. “ ReadRead… Read more »
Partnering in the federal government can be done in different ways. Since we have briefly touched on Contractor Teaming Agreements, or CTA’s in past posts I want to talk about subcontractor agreements. Normally vendors with little to none government experience obtain sub agreements. A sub agreement is also a great way for contractors who doRead… Read more »
A fellow member of the San Diego & Imperial District Export Council participated in the July 7 event hosted by President Obama, held to promote our National Export Initiative. Kim Benson is an international business leader based in San Diego and is also appointed to the Industry Trade Advisory Center, a unique private-public partnership thatRead… Read more »