Restore Work-Life Balance by Guarding Your Time
As Americans work longer hours and discover more ways to stay connected, it’s no surprise that maintaining a good work-life balance is becoming more challenging.
As Americans work longer hours and discover more ways to stay connected, it’s no surprise that maintaining a good work-life balance is becoming more challenging.
Make smart, strategic, purposeful decisions to balance life, family, and work. It is a huge balancing act that takes some time to fully adjust. It will never be perfect and understand good enough may be the best answer sometimes.
Let’s face it: we all have a work life and a home/personal life. Some choose to combine the two and others prefer to keep them separated. Either way can be done as it is a personal choice. One of the most challenging aspects of having a career and a family is separating one from the other.Read… Read more »
When I was growing up, I’m sure my parents and most others who were working adults struggled with what we now call “work-life balance.” My dad had a full-time job and worked part-time on weekends. My grandmother worked in other people’s homes, and my mom worked outside the home, off-and-on, but mostly kept our home.Read… Read more »
Work dreams are the worst. You already spent all day at the office, stayed late, spent the evening responding to emails, and now you can’t even drift off to the Land of Nod without taking paperwork and unfinished to-do lists with you. You barely have a weekend anymore, ever since budget cuts forced you toRead… Read more »
Some people were raised with the belief that you work hard every day and you will get promoted as well as earn enough money to care for your family. The term work-life balance is the harmonious blend of one’s personal and professional goals. But is this concept a reality for everyone or a passing dream?Read… Read more »
Do you agree with these traits of successful women in this Huffington Post article “12 Things Successful Women Do Differently”? What is missing? What traits should be removed or modified? How is this different for women in Government?
“What am I doing with my life? Why am I doing it?” If you’ve asked yourself these questions – recently or in the distant past – Frank DiGiammarino wants you to know you are certainly not alone. Figuring out what you want to do is key to achieving real success in life, but that’s easierRead… Read more »
A recent GAO report reviewed OPM’s 2012 annual report to Congress on the Federal government’s telework programs. While it acknowledges the progress that has been made in agency reporting on this issue, it also makes the interesting point that agencies have not yet focused on assessing the cost savings associated with telework programs. That’s aRead… Read more »
Follow this or any other website dealing with profesional life or organizational leadership and you quickly see a common theme of encourging individuals to focus on self actualization, leaders to focus on serving followers and employees to live their passion through their work. Doing the job, taking responsability for deliverables and earning a living appearRead… Read more »