Posts Tagged: bball

GovLoop Survey – NCAA Winner – UNC

Well it looked like the wisdom of the crowds worked…. I asked GovLoop members who they thought was going to win the NCAA Tournament once we had reached the final 8 and the answers were: 41.5% UNC 26.4% Wildcard 13.2% UConn 9.4% Louisville 9.4 Pittsburg This follows up the GovLoop BBall Tournament with winner Noel’sRead… Read more »

GovLoop BBall Winner – Noel’s Snowballs…

March Madness is officially over. Personally, this year was a letdown and not the best tournament. The magic wasn’t there like most years. But we did have the gloriously witty, irreverant, and genius Hokie Guru providing color commentary. Stephen Smith should watch for his job. Some interesting comments: Mr. GovLoop finished 24th out of 26thRead… Read more »