The Nitty Gritty of Time Management
We all have hectic schedules. But, we should make sure we’re not the proverbial hamster on the wheel, running fast but never reaching the end of any task. Time management is the key!
We all have hectic schedules. But, we should make sure we’re not the proverbial hamster on the wheel, running fast but never reaching the end of any task. Time management is the key!
What does your job have to teach you?
Transforming Data Into Smart Business Analytics Check out my in-studio Tech Talk interview with John Gilroy at WFED Federal News Radio in Washington, DC. Learn how Federal agencies can achieve more by leveraging Tableau Software to see and understand all sizes and types of data. The segment titled Transforming Data Into Smart Business Analytics airedRead… Read more »
It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Why can’t our government be more like Silicon Valley? With all the innovation and technological progress the private sector creates many of usRead… Read more »
There is a big push on Open Data initiatives since this enables organizations to share data with partners and also build new innovative solutions. Open data maximizes value creation built on structured and unstructured data. Open Data initiatives should be based on technologies that can collect and cleanse data in a standardized manner so thatRead… Read more »
Inspired by the many conversations we had at the recent GEOINT Symposium about how geospatial data can become an ideal pivot point for an entity resolution system, the time is here to transition from When and Where to Who and What –as well as the elusive Why. Eyes On the Earth Geospatial imagery abounds. ThereRead… Read more »
There’s so much talk about big data these days. On a recent DorobekINSIDER LIVE, we talked to the people at the front lines of big data: the chief data officers. These are the people who are really making big data an effective tool for government. Hosted by Chris Dorobek, the online training featured the followingRead… Read more »
Analytics guru Thomas Davenport says that the field of strategic analytics has been upped a notch to “3.0” with the recent trend of shifting the use of analytic methods from improving internal operational efficiency to improving the operation of products and services. Dr. Thomas Davenport, in a recent Harvard Business Review article, says “Some ofRead… Read more »
The open secret is that data is the key to the next wave of innovation for all sectors of society. This argument was made very convincingly in a recent post here on GovLoop. This is especially true when it comes to research data, which is not only important for scientific discovery, but also provides directRead… Read more »
“All of a sudden it is cool to be a data geek.” Spoken enthusiastically by Tim Paydos of IBM, these words perfectly encapsulated the mood of Thursday’s 2014 Data Innovation Day. The conference, now in its second year, is a product of the Center for Data Innovation, a non-partisan think tank that researches the growingRead… Read more »