Posts Tagged: Big

Can Meat-and-Potatoes “Big Data” Help Detroit?

In “Can Meat-and-Potatoes “Big Data” Help Detroit?” ( I provide some commentary on the “Innovation Economy” meeting in DC yesterday sponsored by the Aspen Institute, the Bipartisan Policy Center, and Intel. From the post: Just as foundations such as Knight and Ford are supporting collaboration among journalistic entities in around Detroit, perhaps there should alsoRead… Read more »

Is the Hype Hurricane Setting the Right Expectations for Employers and Data Scientists?

Recently, I was asked to speak about thoughts on the future of data science and data scientists to a government audience. Not being a data scientist myself, rather carving my niche in the world as a solution architect turned evangelist, I pondered on a number of alternative messages I could share with the audience. QuiteRead… Read more »

NASA and Google Quantum Computing Partnership

Google and NASA recently produced a documentary (6 mins long) around their new quantum computing partnership. I, by no means, am a quantum physicist, but this technology theoretically has the ability to turn “big data” into MASSIVE data with only a fraction of the processing and energy of a standard computer. My biggest takeaway fromRead… Read more »

Predictive Analytics: How to Prevent Crimes from Happening

Police departments across the U.S. are piloting crime prevention programs that rely on a smart analysis of historical crime data in neighborhoods across their cities. And they are finding that they can cut burglaries by as much as 27 percent! City police departments across the country are turning traditional police officers into “data detectives.” PoliceRead… Read more »

FTC Member Julie Brill Pushes for Healthcare Data Protection

Julie Brill, a member of the Federal Trade Commission, has expressed support for privacy protection in the healthcare sector amid increasing big data applications, reported June 27. Anthony Brino writes that Brill proposes that consumers regain control over their personal information, determine the amount of data to share and be able choose whether toRead… Read more »

Big Data in 5 Steps: Lessons from Shawn Kingsberry, CIO of RATB

Big data is a big task. Of the many agencies dealing with massive amounts of data is the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB). As an independent agency within the federal government, RATB is focused on providing extensive transparency insights to federal programs as well as preventing waste, fraud and abuse of Recovery Act funds.Read… Read more »