Got Lazy Brain? 3 More Tricks for Overcoming Cognitive Biases
Government and industry leaders must be cognizant of the prevalence of decision-making heuristics and the potential downside of relying on them.
Government and industry leaders must be cognizant of the prevalence of decision-making heuristics and the potential downside of relying on them.
Awareness of when and how cognitive biases impact us is paramount to staving off our ever-present lazy brain.
Just remember, a brain is a terrible thing to waste, particularly when it comes to embracing differences.
The future is hard to predict when the present is torn between the living, the living dead, and the never have lived at all. We don’t know the demographics of robots, sensors of the Internet of Things (IoT), learning machines, and drones. Of course, the count of zombies is unknown because they could very wellRead… Read more »
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking a technology to analyze and measure brain systems for a program to develop therapies for neuropsychological illnesses among veterans and active soldiers. DARPA wants to evaluate medical hardware, human neural system models, clinical neurology and animal researches for the Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies program, the agencyRead… Read more »
The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs have jointly invested $107 million for medical research efforts focused on treating mild traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. Research organizations will work to develop new ways for diagnosing and treating the conditions under the five-year initiative, the VA said Aug. 10. Funding will back studies underRead… Read more »
How do you negotiate or strategically plan your organization’s next step as an active partner with 50,000 individuals? Ideation can help leaders focus a group, allowing them to speak in one clear and strong voice. Using the right social media tools helps bring the crowd together to brainstorm about a single topic, and then self-prioritizeRead… Read more »
Abstract:The inverse relationship between time on the job and level of satisfaction is driven by the context of organizational decision making. Although Happiness is an inside job to be sure, there are things that can be done to improve organizational bonding and effectiveness. The importance and methods are known. 1) Recognize that the workplace isRead… Read more »
Instead of running our usual “be safe while hunting” news releases this year, we went with an Invasive Species: Zombies post. So instead of hitting our usual audience, who mostly reads the headline and forgets the article, we tied in with zombies and encouraged hunters to watch out for them this fall. Response has beenRead… Read more »
Many of my friends | acquaintances know that my youngest son Jamie suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while working in Southern Maryland for Waldorf Ford and Dodge in January 2003. When you want your car the “next day” and that sales person says – “we can get it for you and have it hereRead… Read more »