Posts Tagged: budgeting

Greener Buildings Through Better Occupant Behavior?

Even in the best car, I’m not likely to win the Indy 500. The same goes for high performance buildings. Even the best, LEED-certified, low-impact building can lose its green benefits if the building’s occupants don’t utilize the systems in place and follow good green practices. In an effort to help building managers and occupantsRead… Read more »

Make Government Faster By Focusing On The Space Between Tasks

This is part 2 of my series on Ken Miller’s great book Extreme Government Makeover. In part 1 I explained how Miller describes government as a house where the important work goes on in the pipes hidden from public view behind walls. Miller’s position is that the problem with government is that it cannot meetRead… Read more »

Georgia FY 2013 budget: growing out of the recession

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal released his proposed state budget for fiscal year (FY) 2013 on Jan. 11. Unlike the often dismal messages encompassing many budgets and state-of-the-state addresses last year, Governor Deal is “guardedly optimistic” about Georgia’s fiscal outlook. As the governor of one of only eight states to holdRead… Read more »

Transformational Leaders

With budget crunches for the foreseeable future, GSA Administrator Martha Johnson says “Tough budgets should trigger innovation, not fear.” And for many government leaders, innovation means transformation of their work and their agencies. The IBM Center has released a leader’s playbook for guiding transformation. The IBM Center report, “A Leader’s Guide to Transformation: Developing aRead… Read more »

Method of Leading a Bureaucracy

The leaders of government programs are just as likely as the leaders of industry to follow management fads. These are the messages that suggest there is an easy path towards organizational success–if they only apply themselves to learning X-number of steps, X-kind of actions, X concepts, etc., etc. A little know study was performed andRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 2day in #OpenGov 1/23/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is the week’s first look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: International The United Nations, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and the US House of Representatives are organizing an event to promote and discuss the use of openRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: Gabrielle Giffords leaves Congress with a big war chest

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., may be taking her name off her congressional office and the 2012 ballot, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be a player in a state that will be one of the top political battlegrounds this year. The congresswoman’s announcement that she will be giving up her House seat this week toRead… Read more »

E-Text Books – Pros & Cons

E-Text Books – Pros & Cons by Robert Hahn As you are probably well aware tablets are everywhere these days. In fact a recent survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Live Project recently found that the percentage of adults who own a tablet PC or e-reader nearly doubled during the holiday season.Read… Read more »

Internships at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

“Founded in 1981, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is one of the leading organizations in the country working on public policy issues affecting low-income families and individuals. The Center specializes in research and analysis oriented toward practical policy decisions and produces solid analytic reports on a timely basis that are accessible to publicRead… Read more »