Posts Tagged: budgeting

Creating A Government Innovation Fund

In January of 2011 shortly after taking office as Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order creating the Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission. The purpose of SAGE is to modernize and rightsize government to make it more efficient, effective and accountable through four activities: On December 15, 2011, the SAGE Commission met and approvedRead… Read more »

Training – A must in any business environment, especially tough ones

In our current business environment should we train, not train, or delay training? That is the question. All one has to do is listen to the news, look at a magazine or newspaper, or attend a meeting with management to confirm that the government is in a period of significant budgetary challenges. Although we mayRead… Read more »

NCDD/DDC White House Open Government Response

The National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) and the Deliberative Democracy Consortium (DDC) have put out a joint response to the recent White House call for input. It’s very solid, so please make sure to read it in full: Strengthening the Public Participation Elements of the Open Government Plan (PDF). Especially noteworthy is aRead… Read more »

Are There Government-Friendly Gadgets to be Seen at CES?

It seems odd that consumer electronics companies would choose to showcase their wares after the biggest gift-giving holiday of the year, but here we are in early January and the Consumer Electronics Showhas again pitched its tent in Vegas. There’s a lot of coverage already–including this contrarian take inveighing against the show–and one journalist hasRead… Read more »

Ryan’s 2012 Tech Predictions

Hopefully these predictions will turn out better than Nic Cage’s cinematic masterpiece (Knowing in the US) Editor’s note: We have asked each of our researchers to pull together considerations meant to help in your planning for 2012. We solicit your feedback on all these predictive posts. bg In 2011, we had some really great technologyRead… Read more »

Three Important New Year’s Resolutions for Your Federal Job Search!

Do you know the top three New Year’s resolutions for Americans in 2012? #1 Lose Weight #2 Reduce Stress #3 Financial Management The same three resolutions are also critical for success in your federal job search. Let me show you how: #1 Lose Weight Make Your Resume Lean AND Mean! Every day, we see federalRead… Read more »

What OPM’s/OMB’s New Senior Executive Performance Appraisal System Says to All of Us – 5 Key Components

I got the chance to review the new performance appraisal system for the Senior Executive Service that was issued to agencies by OPM and OMB earlier today. The new system represents some notable steps forward, including: 1) A renewed alignment: Typically, the criteria senior executives are evaluated on changes once they’re on the job versusRead… Read more »

Open Government and Creativity: GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies

IBM Center Senior Fellow Dan Chenok recently posted this article to the Center blog. This week, GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT) released its annual report on activities in 2011. This GSA entity, led by Administrator Dave McClure and a very able staff, serves to drive innovation and transparency to support betterRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: White House proposes 0.5 percent pay increase for federal workers

Ed O’Keefe reports the White House is planning to propose a “modest cost of living increase in federal compensation” in the 2013 budget that “would be the first pay jump for federal workers since before President Obama ordered a two-year freeze in late 2010.” Senior administration officials said the proposal would require professional approval andRead… Read more »