Posts Tagged: budgeting

MLW 2011: In the Exhibit Hall

Stepping inside the MLW Exhibit Hall: At the Opening Reception: Wendy Hill staffs the DTIC table at the MLW Exhibits: Kara Owens, LexisNexis DoD and IC Account Manager, and Adam Dietz, Senior Govermment Consultant, staff the LexisNexis table: Original post

White House Seeking Guidance on E-Participation

Back in September, when the United States released its U.S. Open Government National Action Plan (PDF), I listed the initiatives it contains in the area of public participation: Open Government Partnership: Public Participation in the US National Plan One item I found particularly appealing. Under ”New initiatives”, the plan states that the U.S. will: DevelopRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Using Data to Make Better Decisions in Your Agency

“Moneyball” is a highly entertaining movie that showed how Oakland Athletics General Manager Billy Beane used data to improve his baseball team’s performance. It turned out, for example, that on-base percentages were more important than batting averages as an indicator of a hitter’s effectiveness because a walk can also get a player on base. GovernmentRead… Read more »

Private sector versus public sector

Tim Harford had a great column in the Financial Times this past weekend on the public sector and private sector. Great food for thought: Tim Harford: You’re wrong, we are all wealth creators!

Obliquity and Luck

I have a slight confession for some of you: I’m an occasional smoker; perhaps more than occasional. Last night I finished my last cigarette and took a cab home from the co-working space I’m renting to help me stay on top of things. It was late, I had just spent several hours in a rowRead… Read more »

Preparing for the Arrival of a New Leader Tip #2

Preparing for the Arrival of a New Leader Authored by: Patty Guard, Former Deputy Director of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, Board Member Public Sector Consortium Build trust and credibility with the new leader Contact the new leader to introduce yourself, to say congratulations and that you are looking forward to working withRead… Read more »

Colorado Aims to Improve Education Via Assessment and Accountability Systems

Deltek Principal Analyst Brian Coyle reports. A few months back, President Obama announced a plan to offer greater flexibility from federal education mandates in exchange for a strong commitment to core reforms that boost student achievement. After the announcement, 11 states formally submitted to the U.S. Department of Education requests for waivers from key provisionsRead… Read more »

Government Big Data Award Nominee: GCE Federal

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

Project Management Best Practices for HR Projects

Hi There, GovLoop! It’s great to be here and re-connect with friends in the Federal Government! To start off my blog, I’d like to begin with something that I’ve grown quite passionate about over the last year – project management and HR projects! I hope you enjoy my first post on Project Management Best PracticeRead… Read more »