Posts Tagged: budgeting

United We Stand: Enriching the Lives of Our Wounded Veterans

The US Olympic Committee is a leader in the Paralympic sports movement and dedicated to assisting physically disabled Americans. While the USOC is widely known for competitive athletic programs, it is also dedicated to enriching the lives of wounded Veterans and encouraging them to live an active lifestyle. Deloitte, a partner of the USOC, recentlyRead… Read more »

The PC is Changing Before Our Eyes

While PCs will likely remain with us for a long time, the PC era has come to a close. Bob Gourley discussed this transition and the rise of mobile in an interview with IDG’s Bill Laberis at the HP Protect 2011 conference on Monday, September 12, 2011. Though there are currently 1.2 billion PCs inRead… Read more »

Follow the Yellow Brick Road (Forward)

Last week we asked GovLoop Budgeteers to share their budgeting challenges in preparation for the release of the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis’ (AABPA) first Survey of Federal Budget Professionals. Many government employees dread the coming budget cuts. But federal budget professionals look forward to the challenge of crafting smaller budgets that stillRead… Read more »

The Blind Men and their Elephant 2.0

I’ve been meeting Business 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Government 2.0, and in each case partisans explain that their particular function is driving the transformation. Business 2.0 is Finance! Enterprise 2.0 is Architecture! And Government 2.0 is Information Technology! came from a moneychanger, a sheetrocker, and some guy from a hobby shop. This 2.0 thing is aboutRead… Read more »

Washington gets new state CIO

Washington has a new state CIO, Governor Gregoire has appointed Bharat Shyam. Shyam previously worked at Microsoft and will be taking office today. Shyam developed some of the first smartphones at Microsoft and will be working to help the state more effectively leverage IT dollars to improve state service delivery to citizens. Shyam has experienceRead… Read more »

A Thousand Cuts

Government Executive magazine’s cover story, “A Thousand Cuts,” by Joseph Marks, paints a graphic picture of what it is like to be in government today. Here’s a list of the various directives that direct many of these cuts. President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste was launched in June 2011, but it started earlier than that.Read… Read more »

American Education Week kicks off

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. The National Education Association’s 90th annual American Education Week kicked off yesterday; and to honor this event, Deltek is launching a weeklong blog series highlighting the drivers, priorities and expectations for the public education IT market. We start today with a top 10 list for education request for proposalsRead… Read more »

International Open Data Hackathon Updates and Apps

With the International Open Data Hackathon getting closer, I’m getting excited. There’s been a real expansion on the wiki of the number of cities where people are sometimes humbly, sometimes grandly, putting together events. I’m seeing Nairobi, Dublin, Sydney, Warsaw and Madrid as some of the cities with newly added information. Exciting! I’ve been thinkingRead… Read more »

FED-pursuit maximum employment

Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve can get Money from Treasury for Operational Cost? Without going through the appropriation process. Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve has Authorization by Congress to issue Currency? Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve is mandated by the Federal Reserve Act to pursue MaximumRead… Read more »

We need to talk about content

I’m sorry, but we do. I’ve hitherto avoid commenting on such things because at work this is not my area, and so it is absolutely inappropriate for me to step on other peoples toes and comment either negatively or positively on something I have no control over and no input into. But someone has madeRead… Read more »