Posts Tagged: budgeting

Agency Customer Service Plans

Back in April, President Obama issued an executive order directing agencies to step up their efforts to improve customer service. Whatever happened? The Executive Order gave agencies until the last week of October to provide their plans to the Office of Management and Budget, and last week the plans were delivered and posted on OMB’sRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: The Puck Stops Here

The Washington Capitals are off to their best start in team history. I’ve enjoyed watching the games on television with my nine-year-old son Jack, and he’s been thrilled with their performance after they flopped in the playoffs last year. While watching a game the other night, he asked, “Why is the team playing so muchRead… Read more »

Political law links for Tuesday, Nov. 1st

CAIN AND PRIVATE CHARITY ISSUES. The Post. “‘It looks like a law school exam on potential campaign-finance violations,’ said Lawrence H. Norton of Womble Carlyle, a former general counsel at the Federal Election Commission.” JOINT GUIDANCE REGARDING REDISTRICTING. From the House Ethics Committee. “While congressional redistricting is constitutionally mandated, the redistricting process is a stateRead… Read more »

Deloitte GovLab releases As One Study

Getting big things done in government — launching new programs, implementing budget reductions or achieving difficult agency missions — requires effective collaboration. Members of an agency, command, office, bureau or division should commit to a single objective. Multiple layers of bureaucracy and multiple levels of government should work in concert among themselves and with privateRead… Read more »

Training: Tricks or Treats?

That’s me as Captain Lesgate on my way to a murder. My own. These Questions and Answers lay out in plain and simple, in Cave Man terms, how easy it is to be misunderstood. Not only be misunderstood, but be quite funny in the process–intentional or not. Enjoy. While I suspect this series of jokesRead… Read more »