Posts Tagged: budgeting

Risk Happens

Guest post by Mike Clayton Why Every Project Manager needs to Understand Risk Project management is a discipline born from necessity. If projects were not so challenging, we wouldn’t need a separate toolkit and processes. But we do need them, because when we try to create change under constraints like schedule, performance and budget, weRead… Read more »

Topeka, KS decriminalizes domestic violence

Last night, the Topeka, Kansas city council took an extraordinary step to manage budget cuts — decriminalizing domestic violence. The move was spurred by a lack of prosecutorial budgets at all levels of the city and county court system, a problem which came to its tipping point last night. In Topeka, domestic violence is mostRead… Read more »

Getting Government to Use Performance Data

Academics sometimes hit the nail on the head! University of Wisconsin professor Donald Moynihan, a thoughtful observer of the evolution of performance management in the U.S, along with colleague Stephane Lavertu from Ohio State, examine historical GAO survey data to understand why recent federal performance improvement initiatives haven’t resulted in the hoped-for increase use ofRead… Read more »

Why Government Should Not Go Lean

Just after I posted “Business Process Management As If People Mattered: Adaptive Case Management” the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review downloaded to my Color Nook. This was a special issue devoted to talent management and so I flipped through it pretty quickly until I came across “Lean Knowledge Work” (Staats and Upton, OctoberRead… Read more »

PA Times: Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again

The PA Times, published by the American Society of Public Administration, has just issued a special edition called “From Bureaucratic to Cool: A Call for Public Service”. My article on “Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again” describes how government agencies on all levels are turning to Open Innovation platforms to collect the wisdomRead… Read more »

Rickard-Clarke on Access to Justice and Legal Information in Ireland

Commissioner Patricia T. Rickard-Clarke of the Law Reform Commission of Ireland has published The Irish Legal System, Law Libraries and Legal Information: Access to Justice: Accessibility, Legal Information Management, 11(3), 159-164 (2011). Here is the abstract: Patricia T Rickard-Clarke writes on the complex issues relating to access to justice for the citizens of Ireland. HerRead… Read more »