Posts Tagged: budgeting

States grapple with teacher evals as part of race to the top

Many states are vying for federal Race to the Top funds. In order to get these merit-based funds, states are required to perform annual teacher evaluations and submit overall performance records as part of the application process. However, often these evaluations remain hidden from the parents and students of these teachers. But recently,the New YorkRead… Read more »

Smart Streamlining

Two new reports out this past week focus on tools and techniques for agencies to cope with the new fiscal austerity they face in years ahead. One is by the Partnership for Public Service, the other by the Government Accountability Office. They are both worth reading because they focus on smart ways to make cutsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Federal employees urge Congress to cut wisely

A collection of federal workers’ groups has sent letters to Congress, asking members to carefully considercertain aspects of Obama’s deficit reduction plan. The groups represent about 4.6 million Federal employees. “We appreciate the Administration’s call for ‘some sacrifice from all of us,’ ” the letter continues. “However, federal employees are being disproportionately targeted in theRead… Read more »

Good news snapshot: All-state IT budget projections (2010 – 2020)

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. Previous Deltek analyses and projections have demonstrated several key points with regard to state budgets. First, from FY 2009-2011, state budgets (all-funds, overall budgets) increased at an abnormal rate. Second, FY 2012 is the first projected overall state budget loss since Deltek began tracking in FY 1987. Third, andRead… Read more »

Open states: Transparency for state governments using open data

Where do you start to standardize legislative information for all 50 United States? Blazing an open data trail for one state government isn’t easy, so shifting 50 must be nearly impossible. Or is it? The Open State Project is making progress towards the impossible—and closing in on the goal. When I first heard about thisRead… Read more »

Houston, Texas FY 2012 budget analysis; themes of consolidation and cuts reign

Deltek Analyst Emily Magurne reports. Houston, Texas is the fourth largest city in the United States, with a population of 2.1 million and a broad industrial base in energy, manufacturing, aeronautics and transportation. After being elected in late 2009, Houston Mayor Annise Parker declared her administration would focus on balancing the city’s budget and selectingRead… Read more »

Health Care and Social Services September Review

Deltek Health Care and Social Services Analyst Amanda White reports. September proved to be rather eventful for health care. Deltek celebrated the Sixth Annual National Health IT Week, September 12-16, 2011, by releasing a series of blogs highlighting IT progress in the states, along with vendor recommendations based on those trends. National Health IT WeekRead… Read more »