Posts Tagged: budgeting

Incivility in presidential politics: tearing down instead of building up

If you were thirsty and your choices were a glass of milk that had been sitting in sun-baked 95-degree temperature for six hours and a glass of milk that had been sitting in it for four days, which would you chose? Some choice, right? That’s how I am seeing the 2012 presidential campaign shaping upRead… Read more »

Good news details: All-state budget vertical analysis (2010-2013)

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. This article is part of the continuing “Good News” series with analysis and projections of state budgets. In particular, this article launches a new part of the series on all-state budget vertical analyses. As part of our analysis of state budget data, Deltek previously published analyses and projections ofRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Young and in Government

How can young leaders provide more support to their agencies without being in senior-level management positions? –Federal Supervisors (GS-14), Environmental Protection Agency This question reflects the can-do attitude and energetic approach that we need in government. Here’s the good news. Smart, senior leaders will be looking for people like you given the ever-expanding mission demands,Read… Read more »

Calgary promises better info on rail delays

After a series of technical failures on its light-rail system, Calgary Transit (AB) promised to keep its riders better informed about delays. Director Fred Wong said the system plans to publish performance standards and the agency’s long-awaited real-time information displays are just weeks away. The city, which faces potential budget cuts, promised little in termsRead… Read more »

SSA Union Warns Committee on Deficit Reduction about Effects of Budget Slashing

Threat to Social Security System is Real and Immediate WASHINGTON – The American Federation of Government Employees recently sent a letter to the Democratic members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, detailing the harmful effects of agency budget reductions on Social Security Administration services and programs. “Any reductions below the FY 12 budgetRead… Read more »

Local Gov IBM Report: Smarter, Faster, Cheaper

This morning I read an interesting report from IBM, Smarter, Faster, Cheaper, An Operations Efficiency Benchmarking Study of 100 American Cities. IBM provides a bleak report of local governments in the introduction, the authors state: According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), local governments in the United States are collectively facing a $225 billion structuralRead… Read more »

Social Media for the Security Cleared Job Seeker, Twitter

Social media is now a common means of communicating, doing business and supporting career search and development. But as with everything there is a huge divide between those who adopted technology early and most of the rest of us. I was reminded on a recent family visit that there is still healthy skepticism, suspicion andRead… Read more »

Why face-to-face events about digital communications are important

With increased budget pressures and constraints on our schedules with expanding workloads, finding time to attend a face-to-face event is difficult. Not that there are many face-to-face events anymore: studies show that 60% of US marketers are planning to increase their spend on virtual events while 42% plan to decrease their spend around physical eventsRead… Read more »

Too much information

In the continuing fight for the greater availability of public information, it may seem churlish to observe that sometimes what’s wanted is not more information, but less. The picture above shows a typical display on a Countdown sign at a London bus stop. This particular stop has buses from two routes. At a quick glance,Read… Read more »