Posts Tagged: budgeting

Florida changes course applies for race to the top

Florida is applying for Race to the top Funds. Race to the Top is a competitive grant program from the federal government designed to reward states that are leading the way on education reforms that are new and innovative. Florida’s application is being spearheaded by Governor Rick Scott, a move that is a significant reversalRead… Read more »

It’s Time for a Tech Rebellion in Government

Rebellion abounds today, how can Government’s capture the passion and sustain the movements? I wrote this piece earlier this Summer for the Lower House of Congress in Mexico in anticipation of my publishing deal for my upcoming book, “Rebel Technology”. I wanted to publish it again given the events in Libya and what will potentiallyRead… Read more »

Open Data and New Public Management

This morning I got an email thread pointing to an article by Justin Longo on #Opendata: Digital-Era Governance Thoroughbred or New Public Management Trojan Horse? I’m still digesting it all but wanted to share some initial thoughts. The article begins with talking about he benefit of open data but its real goal is to argueRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up, August 26, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda For 20 years, August has been a “cruel month” in Russia. This August has been no picnic for the US or England, but social media has helped to ameliorate certain events: The Problem and the Solution: Tech President reports that social media (Twitter in particular) has helped authorities respond to the London RiotsRead… Read more »

A recap from GOSCON: Open source beyond cutting costs

My colleague, Gunnar Hellekson, posted some great insights from GOSCON this week on a session he attended about “Cutting Costs” — before the big shake-up…I mean Earthquake. Honestly, I didn’t know GOSCON and using open source in government could be so moving and disruptive. (Too early?) Paraphrasing, Alex Howard of O’Reilly moderated a panel discussionRead… Read more »

Local TV

I think it’s fair to say that DCMS’s plans for Local TV are mostly terrible. Luckily, people who know a lot more about it that I do are writing it all up. I enjoyed these three posts on the LSE blog on the subject, all by Sally Broughton Micova. They are well worth reading forRead… Read more »

Child health matters

We have recently published a number of data sets regarding children’s health, such as infant mortality rates and the incidence of childhood obesity. This will be of interest to many citizens and health care professionals who live in the county. And for those who want to put such information in context, you can see anRead… Read more »