Posts Tagged: budgeting

Trainer as Leader: the Human Factor

It’s easy to think of the trainer as the leader–at least in the moment, but he or she is a leader in other ways, too–keyed to the human factor that makes the company work and its people resource rewarded and fulfilled. The trainer/leader listens to his audience and works with them. He or she teachesRead… Read more »

A “Balanced Budget Amendment” finally?!

In response to the hectic process in which the federal government was able to avoid defaulting on our debt payments, there are thoughts about creating a balanced budget amendment to avoid future financial problems. This same amendment failed back in 1995 but is this the economic, financial, and political climate to make this change? (NYTimesRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Congress Heads Home Without Extending FAA Funding

After pulling together a last minute debt limit deal to avoid economic calamity, Congress has packed its bags and headed home for summer recess – neglecting to extend funding to the FAA and leaving 4,000 FAA employees without pay. The Washington Post also reports the impact the FAA shutdown will have on those traveling thisRead… Read more »

What does Aneesh Chopra Think About Innovation?

Just read this great interview by Deloitte Review with US CTO Aneesh Chopra. Awesome insights into the importance of innovation! Below are a few of the key points from the interview. I hope you enjoy and learn as much as I did. Ecosystems for Innovation: An interview with U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra Historically, larger companies,Read… Read more »

From open data to open analysis

We often talk of how open data can be used to help people make sense of the services they use or how an organisation performs, in other words getting smart about data. There are tools that can help those with the expertise do that and others which are more useful for people like you andRead… Read more »

25 Years of Disaster Response

On April 19, 1995, a bomb detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, destroying much of the building, including its daycare center. More than 160 people lost their lives that day, 99 of them civilian federal employees, targeted because they worked for the U.S. government. In the days following this tragedy,Read… Read more »

New York City, Pennsylvania to update transparency websites

New York City and Pennsylvania are working to increase transparency by providing citizens with more information and new government websites. Over the weekend, New York City held a hackathon focused on reinventing city government. Pennsylvania also launched a new website, PennWATCH, which will provide citizens with a searchable database of government spending. New York City’sRead… Read more »

Using Dashboards in Government

The use of dashboards in the federal government took off when President Obama released his Open Government initiative in early 2009. Here’s a snapshot of where they are today, and some lessons learned from the pioneers. Vivek Kundra is leaving the federal government after having served as its first chief information officer. Probably one ofRead… Read more »

What’s The Money Spent On?

As the “debt ceiling” budget deal is in the process of being agreed across the pond, we’ve been thinking about the impact of visualising budget data, but firstly we’ve opened the budget data for Kent CC. There are different ways you can visualise what your local council spends its money on Using a flow mapRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Seven – Cut Costs and Improve Performance

The federal government faces an estimated annual structural deficit of $500 billion to $700 billion. A deficit of this magnitude represents a major threat to the economic health of the nation. The structural deficit is defined as the portion of the total annual deficit that results from a fundamental imbalance in receipts and expenditures, notRead… Read more »