Posts Tagged: budgeting

Audit blasts MTA for mismanaging subway disruptions

A joint city-state audit says that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) mismanages its weekend subway diversions, which are required to complete track work, and does a poor job of keeping riders informed. The report from the New York State and New York City comptrollers looked at 29 weekend subway service disruptions between January 2009 andRead… Read more »

Mobile Crowdsourcing

Some experiments in collecting images + location from mobile devices Over the last couple of years I’ve been fascinated with technology that collects and aggregates mappable information. Specifically I have been searching for or creating tools that have these properties: Lets users discover things near them, allows submission of location, photos and text Built onRead… Read more »

Using SharePoint to enable ITIL: Consequences of unmanaged services

Since technology appears simple to operation the assumption is that it’s simple to build and manage. What isn’t seen by end-users today is all the complexity behind a product or service. The consequences of operationally mature, technically naïve stakeholders and end-users are having to justify investments in information technology. While it’s not unreasonable to askRead… Read more »

FOSE 2011, plus ECM’s Benefits To Your Agency

Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »

Government adoption of Twitter continues rapid growth; hits 4,000 IDs

I was adding some IDs to this week when I realize a new milestone was reached as the directory now exceeds 4,200 IDs. While I haven’t keep a timeline of month-to-month growth, a post from July 19, 2010 mentions that the database was slightly under 3,000 IDs a year ago, so were looking atRead… Read more »

Reboot from the MN shutdown: Important RFP and big changes to state IT and procurement

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The history If you read my previous blogs (here, and here ), you already know that Minnesota has been through the ringer with its government shutdown. In fact, the 20-day stoppage was the longest in U.S. history. The standoff ended on July 20, 2011, when the governor finally signedRead… Read more »