Posts Tagged: budgeting

TechAmerica: Gov Should Move to the Cloud

Today, the TechAmerica Foundation released its report, Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud. It is a guide for the Obama Administration on “how government should deploy cloud technologies and for public policies that will help drive U.S. innovation in the cloud.” This continues a series of pushes for government toRead… Read more »

Back to the future: data center consolidation in the states

Deltek Analyst Randi Powell reports. Data center consolidation continues to be a top priority for many state chief information officers (CIOs) who hope to reduce cost, optimize IT infrastructure, and pursue green IT methods. While most states strive for the same outcomes consolidation efforts can produce, not every state has taken the same path toRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Debt Ceiling Uncertainty for Federal Workers

As was the case earlier this year when the White House and Congress went to the brink before finalizing a 2011 budget, government workers are again facing great uncertainty about their work and their future amid the high-stakes political negotiations over raising the debt limit. At this point, no one is saying what will happenRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: FAA Furloughs Possibly First of Many

No one is exactly sure what will happen if Congress and the White House fail to raise the debt ceiling by August 2nd, but it might look something like the furloughs at the Federal Aviation Administration. On Saturday, the agency was forced to furlough 4,000 employees until further notice. As the Washington Post reports, federalRead… Read more »

360 Degree Leadership Training: Does It Work?

Although generally thought of as a performance appraisal tool, 360-degree feedback has been used as a awareness tool during training–especially Leadership training. When I was involved in training management, I worked with a team of contractors who used 360 feedback as part of the training program we asked them to design and deliver for us.Read… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Six – Work with the Private Sector in New Ways

Government leaders and managers are increasingly doing business using methods and approaches that differ from the traditional contracts and grants process. Today, government leaders and managers need to know how to use innovative acquisition methods that shorten the lifecycle of a contract, as well as how to leverage new ways of tapping into the privateRead… Read more »

SEPTA takes another step toward new fare system

Last week the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority took a major step on its path to a new electronic fare system. A board committee approved a $9 million contract with LTK Engineering Services to manage installation of the system; the full board is expected to vote on Thursday. The $100 million project will allow passengers toRead… Read more »