Posts Tagged: budgeting

Pivotal Ohio budget nears completion

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. When John Kasich (one of our nation’s 36 new state governors) was sworn in January 10, 2011, he immediately set out to craft a budget to address Ohio’s expected $8 billion shortfall in what is potentially the toughest budget the state has ever tackled. Kasich and appointed Director ofRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 17. 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Vivek Kundra to Leave White House in August. OMB Director Jack Lew has a nice good-bye post on the WH Blog for Vivek Kundra, who announced that he is leaving the administration in August for a fellowship at Harvard. Need to Find an Embassy? Look up a Travel Alert? There’s an App forRead… Read more »

#mLearnCon: The Use of Tablets in the Future of mLearning

mLearnCon is coming up next week! June 21-23, we’ll be doing some intensive deep dives into how mobile devices can (and are) transforming learning across a lot of domains (corporate, government, medical, military, academia, edu, etc). I’m going to (try to) give you a sneak preview of what’s happening on the mLearning Future Zone stageRead… Read more »

Local Council look set to share services

As the UK government makes further plans to make cuts in public spending, local councils are increasingly looking at ways to cut costs and increase efficiencies by amalgamating back office services together By: Niamh Byrne, Online Editor, Shared Services and Outsourcing Network, SSON “I think within three years we will see a considerable increase inRead… Read more »

Clean your plate, save your money, and other controversial concepts our grandparents taught us!

There is a reason why my grandparents’ generation has been called “The Greatest Generation”. My grandparents and their siblings were children during the Depression and young adults during World War II, with many being sent overseas to fight the most epic war in American history (in my opinion). The hardships they endured left them withRead… Read more »

Outline Section 4: SharePoint as an ITIL implementation tool

Building an ITIL implementation in SharePoint SharePoint with its flexibility as a collaboration and workflow platform can assist in creating the enabling infrastructure for ITIL. Many of the point solutions that have been developed can be integrated (loosely coupled) through SharePoint features such as Business Connectivity Services (BCS). An “Active” Service Catalog, one that end-usersRead… Read more »

Who not to follow on Twitter! – A guide for public sector employees.

Who not to follow on Twitter For public sector employees venturing out onto Twitter, finding out who’s who can be confusing and frustrating. While there are untold numbers of individuals and organizations sharing valuable information and contributing to a healthy flow of information, there are also oodles of people just trying to make a buckRead… Read more »

Resources for Information on Federal Debt

AABPA has compiled helpful resources for information on the Federal Debt on our website. Some of those resources include: The US Treasury Department graphics that show Debt to the Penny, charts that show Public Debt Outstanding and Debt Subject to Limit of $14.294 billion, and an FAQ page that explains the difference between those twoRead… Read more »