Posts Tagged: budgeting

Meet the Goals – No Less (and No More) – John Kinser

“Folks, I have some good news and I have some bad news” the pilot announced. “We have landed in Atlanta way early, but there is a plane at our gate and it will be about 20 minutes before they move.” Throughout the plane you could hear the moans and comments about the airline’s inability toRead… Read more »

Weiner, Keep Tweeting; The Amazing (Hill) Race; and Survey Your Followers!

Note: My weekly posts have been moved from Fridays to Mondays. So… there was not much news of a social media and politics nature over the past week or even the past 24 hours… Oh yes, there was the congressman who tried to covertly tweet a sexually explicit picture and failed… Keep Tweeting, Rep. WeinerRead… Read more »

A Results-Oriented Commerce Department?

I’ve long admired Gary Locke for his commitment to results-oriented government. He pioneered new approaches in Washington State both as the chief executive of King County and as governor. But I’d never met him until last week at a Partnership for Public Service event where he summed up his tenure as Commerce Secretary, before departingRead… Read more »

Free Tix – How is your agency improving performance measurement?

Goal setting and running regular, data-driven reviews are tools an agency can use to improve performance. Across the federal government, we need to understand where we are regarding current performance, and be able to regularly ask the right questions to review progress on meeting those goals. It’s less about hitting a specific target and moreRead… Read more »

How the War on Drugs Destabilized the Global Economy

This is truly, truly fantastic. If you haven’t already read this stunning story from the Guardian: How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico’s murderous drug gangs. This is, in essence a chronicle how the dark and sordid side of banking and about how one US bank – Wachovia – essentially allowed Mexican drugRead… Read more »

Das Auto… A Brand Attitude of Good Clean Fun.

I recently became a fan of Das Auto, a phrase Volkswagen aptly uses to describe the attitude of its brand. Das Auto is all those little things that go into making a Volkswagen. In its English language translation, it simply means the car. For me, Das Auto is a Volkswagen Jetta and it’s more thanRead… Read more »

Ask Ken

During the past 14 years, I have had the privilege of consulting with some of the leading Fortune 1000 corporations and over 50 Federal agencies. In service of our clients, Strategic Partners’ network of coaches, consultants, trainers and partner firms has been extremely generous in responding to my requests for information. I am a bigRead… Read more »

DoD/PIC Partnership for Performance Symposium

The Department of Defense is partnering with the Performance Improvement Council to host the upcoming Performance Symposium for all federal government employees. You must be a federal government employee to register. The event will take place on June 27-30, 2011 at the National Conference Center in Lansdowne, VA. Federal employees are invited from every departmentRead… Read more »

Yes, Virginia, There Really is Light at the End of the Tunnel (Looking at the State FY 10-12 Budget)

INPUT Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. On Meet the Press [May 1, 2011], Governor Bob McDonnell jousted points of the state budget with Obama 2012 Campaign Advisor David Axelrod. “We made all those really tough decisions last year … We balanced a $6 billion deficit without raising taxes, mostly through spending cuts, and it includedRead… Read more »