Posts Tagged: budgeting

The Federal Government Can Learn a Few Things from a New State Government Website

Have you checked out the new yet? According to the press release, the site gets 1.2 million unique visitors a month and last year “processed more than 25.1 million secure electronic transactions through the official state website, mobile-optimized services, automated phone system, and point-of-purchase systems at retail outlets statewide.” Here’s a quick 2 minuteRead… Read more »

A-133 Compliance Supplement Is Here!

Finally, the Office of Management and Budget has released the 2011 Circular A-133 audit guidance document. As usual, new programs have been added, other programs have been deleted, and individual program descriptions have been updated. In addition, OMB has added guidance and references relating to Transparency Act reporting, and clarified reporting requirements and auditors’ responsibilitiesRead… Read more »

Top Posts May 2011

Following a slow April, things did start to pick up again in May. Our three most popular posts: What Is Government 2.0? Micro-Participation In Online Consultations New York Times Budget Puzzle Onwards to June! Original post

For Feds, Gmail + Phishing = Lesson in the Basics

Last week network monitors at Google noticed a concerted phishing attack against accounts held by senior U.S. government officials, including members of the military. The attack, if you can call it that, was plain old phishing, in which messages are crafted so as to look like they are coming from a trusted source — inRead… Read more »

Cost Recovery Strategies–thoughts from Deloitte

Wanted to share a great post from Government Executive magazine. It’s a Q&A with Deloitte’s Janet Hale, former under secretary of management at the Department of Homeland Security and associate director for economics and budget for the OMB. The article discusses cost recovery strategies for your agency? Cost recovery strategies in the new normal Favorite

Future Defense, IT Budgets Are In Question

The House and Senate are loggerheads, to say the least, over the 2012 budget. One side wants to cut civilian agency spending and boost Defense. The other wants to do just the opposite. Either way, it will affect IT spending. Read the latest coming from the House Appropriations Committee, and what the likely outcome willRead… Read more »

Regulatory Reform: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration launched a regulatory reform effort. President Obama committed to a “look back” at existing regulations and asked agencies to identify “outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome” rules on the books. Here’s one example of what the review found: Since the 1970s, milk has been defined as an “oil” andRead… Read more »

World No Tobacco Day 2011

The global fight to end the destruction of lives from tobacco is something I can get behind. Today is World No Tobacco Day – a global initiative from the World Health Organization. Some statistics that many public health professionals are aware of but always a good reminder: The tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million peopleRead… Read more »

Patrick McHenry’s Facebook Sit-In, FB on K Street, and YouTube Town Halls

Sit-In, Facebook Style Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) had a busy week. First, he got lots of press and gained some notoriety for calling Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Elizabeth Warren a liar during a committee hearing. The chairman of the House Oversight TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs subcommittee soon learned whatRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Government-ese, Rebuilding Joplin, and How to Woo a Govie

Before you clock out for a long Memorial Day weekend, be sure to check out the… Friday Fab 5! Yes, it’s Friday yet again, and I’m sure everyone is itching to get away (if you haven’t already). So before you break out the barbeque, it’s time to take a look back at the week hereRead… Read more »