Posts Tagged: budgeting

California Releases Revised FY 2011-2012 Budget

INPUT Analyst Erin Brady reports. The state of California released Governor Brown’s revised FY 2011-12 budget in mid-May 2011. The revised budget addresses the solutions put forth in the Governor’s Recommended Budget released in January 2011, along with additional solutions deemed necessary to reduce the state’s budget deficit. Even with $13.4 billion in solutions proposedRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 27, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good thing Corridor is up and running. Due to budget cuts, Federal CIO Kundra has pulled the plug on FedSpace She said to wiki this way. Syracuse University Professor Ines Mergel has published a report with the Center on using Wikis in the federal government: “Using Wikis in Government: A Guide for PublicRead… Read more »

SOA-UX, Services-Oriented User Experience Design Architecture

During a recent solution strategy session for a very large enterprise, a need developed for creating visual prototypes and simulations illustrating the end-state of the enterprise system to be built. The system, or really “solution” (since the ROI would be derived not only from IT, but also from organization change, process re-engineering, physical and digitalRead… Read more »

State & Local Budgets: an opportunity for innovation?

State & local governments are under particular duress this year, with the challenge of balancing their budgets even while unemployment insurance systems and social programs are increasingly depleted and pension systems face a shortfall. By some estimates, 44 states and the District of Columbia are facing budget crises that total more than $6 billion. LocalRead… Read more »

Green Government Podcast Episode 19: Interview with Kevin Kampschroer Director, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, U.S. General Services Administration

In Episode 19 of the Green Government Podcast we talk with Kevin Kampschroer, Director of the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings at the U.S. General Services Administration. Kevin has created the framework for which GSA responds to the challenges of greenhouse gas emissions reductions and of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s mandate toRead… Read more »

Feds scrap plans for new open government websites

Funding cuts have forced federal officials to cancel plans for two new open government websites. One was intended to allow federal workers to share information and work tips with one another and the other was designed to provide the public with information on the quality of federal services. Existing open government sites will continue —Read… Read more »