Posts Tagged: budgeting

Finally a Conference for Me… and for YOU: NGGS

I love conferences. No seriously, I do. They give you the chance to hear from amazing people, learn new things, and meet awesome people! In my short time working full time after college, I’ve attended my share of amazing conferences, but now there’s one for young people like me..and like you. Young Govie? Just startingRead… Read more »

EXCELLENT RESOURCE: A Life in Public Service…How to Manage Student Debt on that Salary

Discovered this resource this morning on YNPNdc’s Facebook page! THANK YOU for posting! Three financial aid resources for people in public service. Includes a link to Heather Jarvis’ new website. She is an expert in Student Loan Forgiveness for people in public service.

All Your Questions Answered from “Find the Right GovGig For You” Training

My recent webinar, Find the Right GovGig for You, was a smash hit with over 400 participants. I got over 40 unique questions, and am responding to them all here in this gigantic blog post. There are a few that I’m not best qualified to answer, so I’d love anyone who works in federal HRRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Silent Assassins, Esoteric Boxes, and How to Put the ‘Go’ in eGov

It’s that time of the week again. It’s the… Friday Fab 5! Happy Friday the 13th. Yes, it is that special day which we all secretly dread yet again, but I wouldn’t worry too much. Last I heard, reading the Friday Fab 5 is supposed to give a person extra luck on days like this.Read… Read more »

The Performance Alchemist

PMS: As a performance leader I had to implement a performance management system (PMS) that only the Human Resources Officer and I wanted (because her performance was contingent on it). I brought 3,000 people on board. Yes it works best if you have ethical, emotionally intelligent, appreciative inquiry, coaching leaders who compel their employees toRead… Read more »

There is No Box: Uncertain Times Demand RAPID Innovation!

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction“.– Pablo Picasso Conventional wisdom has been summarily discarded during these unprecedented times. Government leaders accustomed to relying on traditional tools to remedy temporary financial blips – increasing taxes while cutting expenses – have experienced a sobering realization that the current climate in most places aroundRead… Read more »

Measuring Transportation Investments: The Road to Results

States spent an estimated $131 billion on transportation in fiscal year 2010, but many cannot answer critical questions about what returns this investment is generating. A report, Measuring Transportation Investments: The Road to Results, by the Pew Center on the States and the Rockefeller Foundation, found considerable differences among the 50 states and the DistrictRead… Read more »

Highlights of Senate GPRA Oversight Hearing

Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) chaired a joint hearing on the implementation of the GPRA Modernization Act and he seemed to enjoy himself. In fact, after the hearing he lingered a long time talking with hearing participants, almost being the last to leave the room! What sparked his imagination? Here’s a link to the hearing record.Read… Read more »