Posts Tagged: budgeting

Who is a ‘quality’ website visitor?

Steph Gray @lesteph recently highlighted an article by Gerry McGovern on the The accidental website visitor. Gerry talks about how a website significantly improved its satisfaction levels once it was attracting the right, but smaller audience. This made me think about who is the ‘right kind’ of website visitor? Are they one of us? DoRead… Read more »

Outside groups, public financing, video apologies and a few other political law links today

$200 MILLION PLAN FOR OUTSIDE GROUP. The Post. “The effort — spearheaded by a small group of longtime congressional and White House aides — represents Democrats’ response to the electoral drubbing of 2010, when a coterie of conservative and business groups did a far better job than their opponents of adapting to a new campaignRead… Read more »

E-invoices Online in Taiwan

The Australian Taxation Office allows electronic tax invoices , provided both parties to the transaction to keep a copy (I assume the ATO can then check the two copies match). The Taiwanese regulations seem to require the seller to make their copy available to the buyer online, at least for transactions with consumers. That mightRead… Read more »

Carbon Footprint of Paper versus Electronic Invoices

One of my Green ICT students pointed out the very useful paper “Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Paper vs. Electronic Invoicing” ( Tenhunen, Maija and Penttinen, Esko, 2010). They found electronic invoices reduce the carbon footprint by 63%. Most of the saving comes mostly from reduced manual labour, not reduced paper production or transport. AbstractRead… Read more »

Girl walks into a Twitter conversation

This is another entirely random ‘what if?’ post. I freely admit that not the right amount of serious considered intellectual thought has gone into this. But. What if, right, we all rotated Chief Executives every few years or so? I can’t quite remember how it started and finding the conversation would be difficult, but IRead… Read more »

Geothermal Energy, Made Even Better by Indie Energy

Indie Energy Smart Geothermal™ for Buildings from Indie Energy on Vimeo. Indie Energy‘s innovative geothermal system has gained the company a lot of attention and support since its founding in 2006. Their system makes it possible to install an energy-saving geothermal system for a building at any site. As the video above explains, geography, geology,Read… Read more »

GAO Outlines National Indicator System

GAO revisited a report it did in 2004 on creating a comprehensive indicator system to track the progress of our nation’s economy, people’s health, social well-being, and the environment. GAO looks at 20 different system used by other countries and by states and localities and offers a road map on how to develop a nationalRead… Read more »