Posts Tagged: budgeting

Weekly Round-up April 8, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Tumblers: Not Just for Soda Anymore. Alex Howard and Alice Lipowicz report that the GSA and State Deparment have each started Tumblr Blogs. It will be interesting to see if other agencies follow suit, and if so, how they use the social features of the platform. Infographics for All! On GovLoop, Andrew KrzmarzickRead… Read more »

Bill Vass Joins Zafesoft Advisory Board

Bill Vass is one of the smartest/sharpest minds I know. He is an incredible thinker with a deep understanding of human nature, physics, electronics, construction, art, philosophy, history and business. He is also one of the smartest technologists I know. When Bill decides to associate himself with something we should all take note. With thatRead… Read more »

Happy One Year Anniversary! A Year of Progress in Open Government

Though it’s being overshadowed by the budget discussions this week, it’s important to note (and celebrate!) that today (April 7th) is the one year anniversary of Agency Open Government Plans. Just one year ago, almost 30 plans were released from cabinet-level and independent Agencies that detailed how they would become more: Transparent in their work;Read… Read more »

I’m Proud to be a Civil Servant (even with a looming shutdown)!

It’s impossible to ignore the resentment, anger, and distrust towards Federal employees that permeates our society these days – especially if you happen to be a Federal employee. Our elected officials, reporters, and think tanks have jumped on government workers in an effort to raise their own stature and exposure. Federal employees, whose salaries accountRead… Read more »

Popular Topic Ideas for Economics Essays

The selection of effective and good topics are some of the initial challenges faced by university students who have to write economics essays. However, the selection of good topics for an economics essay would not be difficult if those students knew and performed some basic research about economics. They could do some topic research fromRead… Read more »

Tort reform passes in Oklahoma

Oklahoma passed a set of bills designed to bring tort reform to the state. The bills were a central part of Governor Mary Fallin’s campaign, who claims that tort reform is critical to job-creation. The bills provide for caps to damage awards and also determine degrees of fault in a case. Awardees will also beRead… Read more »

Minnesota managed care providers to return profit back to the state

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton struck a unique agreement with health care providers in his state today. Under the terms of this agreement BlueCross BlueShield, HealthPartners, Medica, and UCare will place a voluntary 1% cap on profits for 2011 managed care contracts. The one-time cap will keep earnings at 1% of revenue and return any amountRead… Read more »