Posts Tagged: budgeting

Congress cuts Data.Gov

Originally published: Once again someone is doing it wrong on the internet and I feel I need to point it out. In this case, the someone is the United States congress, which as part of its budgetary battle with the whitehouse has decided to reduce funding for a range of Gov2.0/Open Government initiatives fromRead… Read more »

Federal Sustainabliliy News Round-Up

There is a lot going on in the Federal government right now – as we’re sure you know – and most of it has to do with budgets. What will be cut? What will be saved? Which budgets will be trimmed? And will any budgets see increases? We keep an eye on news that involvesRead… Read more »

Public Servant Day at the Washington Nationals

The Partnership for Public Service, the Public Employees Roundtable and GEICO are hosting “Public Servant Day” at the Washington Nationals on Sunday, May 1 during a 1:35 p.m. game against the 2010 World Series Champions, the San Francisco Giants. The event is part of Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), an annual celebration of the menRead… Read more »

Today’s links re: political law

THE POLITICS OF TRANSPARENCY. The Hill. “The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report on Wednesday that details what he says are attempts by the Obama administration’s political appointees to thwart and delay the release of information.” 2012 SLOW TO DEVELOP. Politico. CAMPAIGN LEGAL FEES IN THE NEWS. Obama’s.Read… Read more »

Sitting down to be counted

Now we are all counted. The location of everybody in the country on Sunday is plotted with absolute precision. Public services over the coming decade can be fine tuned to take account of who is where. I am in favour of that. I have no problem with the general principle of a census. But theRead… Read more »

The Impact of Impact Fees on Marcellus Shale

The first meeting of the Marcellus Municipal Co-op was a huge success in terms of assessing the needs of local communities as related to Marcellus Shale As the Marcellus Shale boom continues to redefine the landscape of Pennsylvania, people are focusing in on how government at all levels is working to find the right balanceRead… Read more »

Where Is Waldo?

George Washington University professor Kathy Newcomer likened the Obama Administration’s performance agenda to a game of “Where is Waldo?” at a Brookings Institution forum last week on improving government performance. She says “you have to look carefully” to find it. She said there was no orchestrated campaign with a band leading the way. Newcomer’s insightRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Want to Engage Your Federal Employees? Just Google It

With the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM)Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey coming to government workers again next month, now is a great time for federal managers to consider how you’re engaging and motivating your staff. While you may not have time to affect the results in this year’s survey, that shouldn’t stop you from planning forRead… Read more »