Posts Tagged: budgeting

Let Sellers Talk to Buyers Early in Procurement

This piece was originally published for Bloomberg Government on 03/11/2011. The Obama White House announced plans in December to transform the way federal information technology projects are managed and executed. Its 25-point implementation instructions to federal agencies include many good ideas, from the adoption of light technologies and shared services to aligning the budget andRead… Read more »

Don’t feed the developers

I’m not a developer. I don’t code. So the following might be entirely wrong, and if it is I apologise, and will happily stand corrected if necessary. But; developers aren’t some special strand of humanity who don’t have anything in common with the rest of us. you can talk to them outside of unconferences andRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up March 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Juice Your Blog! Federal Computer Week’s Michael Hardy details how to write a great government blog. He covers a lot of the points that I try to bring up! Coincidence? Is Bad Data Worse than No Data? Andrea Di Maio and the Center’s Dan Chenok argue open government may have unleashed streams ofRead… Read more »

FHWA Social Media Policy Launched

Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration FHWA Social Media Web 2.0 Mgmt Par. What is the purpose of this directive? Is this a new FHWA directive? What is the background of this directive? What is the scope of this directive? What authorities were used in writing this directive? What is the definition of Social Media/WebRead… Read more »

Widespread errors hinder Obama’s open gov initiative

NCDD member Cindy Gibson sent me this fascinating article from this afternoon, and I thought those of you following Open Gov would be interested… Widespread errors hinder Obama administration’s open government initiative by William Matthews, 03/14/2011, There are two sides to the Obama administration’s push for open government: On the positive side: ARead… Read more »

Digital Asset ROI for the Entire IT Enterprise – Analytics Aren’t Just For Websites

The use of website analytics and reporting software isn’t new to most website owners. Tracking and analyzing the usage of your website by people and search engine ‘bots are obviously essential activities for validating your investment. Typical metrics tracked include number of visits by various user types, number of downloads or access to particular content,Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Creatively combating budget challenges

Our heads are spinning. Inside or outside the beltway, we’re all dealing with budget challenges. Gone are the days of week-long meetings where the entire division comes together to hash out organizational goals and commitments for the coming year. When budgets are cut – and even when they’re not – we must be cost-conscience whenRead… Read more »

SXSW for the #Gov20 Crowd: Interesting Lessons and Takeaways So Far

In the spirit of sharing what I learned at this year’s South by Southwest Interactive (#SXSWi) Festival in Austin I’ve posted my notes from a few of the interesting sessions that I was able to attend. I live posted these over the course of the event to allow folks to share in the learning thatRead… Read more »

Chicago is first city to let 911 receive pics/videos from cell phones

Chicago residents can now send pictures and photos from their cell phones when contacting 911. We’re the first city in the country to offer the service. The full article is here: It’s not the most Gov 2.0 thing that’s ever been done, but it is a cool use of mobile technology. I think we’llRead… Read more »

The Many Roles of an Internal Community Manager

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” When someone in the communications industry refers to a “community manager,” they are usually referring to someone that can manage the online relationships for a particular brand, using tools like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. However, over the last few years, a new Community ManagerRead… Read more »