Posts Tagged: budgeting

Iowa Governor launches education blog

Iowa Governor Terry E. Branstad has launched a blog designed to highlight his education agenda. The blog, will be maintained by Branstad’s special assistant for education, Linda Fandel. According to the blog, the Branstad administration hopes that they can have a “conversation about how Iowa schools can once again be the envy of the nation,Read… Read more »

Short and sweet

I am struggling, a little, to write with the same frequency I used to. Not because my words are going elsewhere (though they are) but because my time simply has contracted in an effort to keep up with all the things I have committed to do, as well as keep up with the sudden explosionRead… Read more »

Weakness, Schmeakness

When is a weakness a strength? There are many cases where a strength might be a weakness in disguise. As a classic example, if someone is in the field of accounting, their weakness might be that they sometimes pay so much attention to details that they lose sight of the big picture. This weakness, inRead… Read more »

Hosting SecondLife Orientations Focus of March 9 Virtual Worlds for Engmt Mtg

Please join us this coming Wednesday (tomorrow!) for our March Virtual Worlds for Stakeholder Engagement Working Group. This month’s meeting focuses on the subject “Orientations to Second Life.” Beth Offenbacker/PublicDecisions (Bettina Mint in SL) and Hope Kandel Gershik/Learning Times (Rye Checchinato in SL) will speak on the key elements of hosting an effective Second LifeRead… Read more »

How to sustain high CRM User Adoption.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION We have found that the best way for organizations to “boost” and then “sustain” high CRM user adoption is to develop and implement a comprehensive user adoption strategy. Most CRM failures occur when organizations take a Go-Live centric approach to CRM (on-time & on-budget deliveryRead… Read more »

Government Benefits Worth Your Money

Goal: Make sense of your benefits package and pick the programs right for you. How To Cover Your Benefits Bases: 1. Pick a health/vision/dental insurance plan that suits your working style (i.e. HMO for staying put/PPO for travelling Govvies). 2. Contribute 5% to your retirement account or enough to get the full employer match, whicheverRead… Read more »

Follow the Technology Money: Priorities from the 2012 IT Budget Proposal (and Beyond)

Good morning, Fellow GovLoopers! Dan Chenok posted his thoughts on the FY 2012 IT Budget on the Business of Government Blog. I thought I’d share the highlights here (though you really should read the whole thing!) As occurs each year, the President’s Budget Proposal includes a Chapter on IT spending – it’s in the “AnalyticalRead… Read more »

Past Performance Accountability Should Not be Punishment

The Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan met recently to raise concerns that large defense contractors are getting a pass on fraud and poor performance. However, some on the Commission seem to think that solutions should not be bilateral, or even going so far as to seemingly having a “Save me from myself”Read… Read more »