Posts Tagged: budgeting

Weekend recap – state legislative measures across the nation

The weekend recap is the place to find out what happened last week and what’s ahead in state legislatures across the nation. Read on to learn about what you might have missed between between brunch and waking up to the cruel realization that it’s Monday. Want to call out something happening in your statehouse? EmailRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part V: Controlling the Project and Dealing with Stakeholders

This is the last commentary on the Small Project Management Guide. Thank you all for reading the guide and providing your comments. I firmly believe that good project management will be one of the keys to successfully bringing about Gov 2.0 and Open Gov and I hope I have convinced you to learn more aboutRead… Read more »

Social Business and E-Democracy in America: Two Proposals

This 2011 book by Dr. John Boik proposes two systems that would assist and encourage mass citizen cooperation, allowing citizens to claim and exercise their full power. The first system is a financial pool from which the socially-responsible businesses of the future can be funded. The second system is a people’s lobby, which would allowRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 04, 2011 (GAO Report on Duplication and Overlap Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Legislative Branch: Fake Online IDs Imperil Social Media’s Effectiveness. Polico reports that some legislators want to give up on Twitter–in part because they can’t tell if the people who are following them are their own constituents. (Could they use something like Contapuntally, The Air Force Wants to Manage Fake Personae. There isRead… Read more »

States worry over current year budget battles in Congress

One day following a two-week reprieve from a possible government shutdown, state legislative leaders are urging their federal counterparts to find permanent solutions for this current year’s budget. In a letter from the National Conference of State Legislatures, officials said they need clarity on the level of federal funds states can expect heading into theRead… Read more »

And the Academy Award Goes to … Unions?

If you tuned into the Oscars last weekend you may have noticed a familiar theme running through acceptance speeches…”thank you UNION WORKERS”. Several acceptance speeches included a direct thank you or acknowledgement of union employees. The recent budge crisis facing many states like Wisconsin and Ohio has lead to large protests in recent weeks, asRead… Read more »

Bidding On Government Contracts – Show Them The Money

One of the complaints small businesses make is Government agencies stick to bigger vendors and don’t try out new smaller companies. The reason for this, contract officers don’t like problems. If a contract gets awarded to a small vendor who proceeds to mess up the work, it means a headache and more work for theRead… Read more »

Chief Officer Central

Over the past two decades, Congress and the Executive Branch have created a series of “chief officer” positions in agencies, supported by cross-government councils. Council leaders are now changing the way they manage them to boost government efficiency and effectiveness in lean times. Agencies facing increasingly challenging fiscal environments are looking for ways to makeRead… Read more »