Posts Tagged: budgeting

Getting Our Swagger Back: What a 110-Year-Old Man Can Teach Us About the Deficit Panic

Authored by Jeff White [This article was originally published on GovWin] I think I’ve been looking at this all wrong. A 110-year-old man taught me that this weekend. I’ve been harping on big numbers a lot lately. In this space, you’ve seen me rant about hundred-billion-dollar budget cuts, trillion-dollar deficits,and uncountable numbers of contractors. It’sRead… Read more »

Baltimore county officials outline priority tech projects

In an announcement last week, Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz highlighted twenty-three technology initiatives that his administration will implement within the next six to eighteen months. The nearly two dozen projects include citizen-facing solutions, such as a constituent service portal, and internal tools that will help modernize the county’s business processes. Upon entering office, CountyRead… Read more »

Federal Budget and Green Spending

The White House recently created this handy graphic to represent how various portions of the federal budget might be spent in 2011. Take a look at the bottom right hand corner, that’s where you’ll find federal funding into green technologies and other projects such as green transit initiatives. For a larger view, visit the WhiteRead… Read more »

Open the door (close the door)

Open data as an overall banner is a very useful one. It says exactly what it means – opening up data (for benchmarking, performance improvement, resource allocation efficiencies etc etc). What is becoming foggier as time passes, for me, is the role of all the individual stakeholders in this banner – I had to tryRead… Read more »

Cutting Costs, Improving Performance: A Video Overview

A few months ago, the Center for the Business of Government released a publication and started a blog devoted to cutting costs while improving performance at government agencies. We’re now producing videos that will, eventually, cover all seven stratgies we recommend. This video will eventually serve as the introduction to that series, but we areRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 25, 2011 (Government Shut-Down Preview Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Government Shutdown and You(Tube): Andrea Di Maio published a peice titled “What if Government 1.0 Shut Down? Government 2.0 May Have To As Well,” a great read, as is the comment by Doug Hadden. Also, NextGov points to one difference between the last government shut-down and this year’s potential shut-down in itsRead… Read more »