Posts Tagged: budgeting

Fundamental Design of Learning Activities

by Aaron Silvers (ADL). Aaron Silvers has innovated the design and production of learning experiences with a variety of technologies for organizations large and small, in both the private and public sectors, for over 15 years. He led the development of a number of SCORM 2004 content examples. Aaron returned to ADL in 2010 asRead… Read more »

Earmarks, Facebook, super PACs, and issue advocacy in political law links for today

WHAT IS AN EARMARK? That’s the topic of this Hill report. “‘One of the questions that will be worked out over the next year is the question of “what is an earmark,”‘ said Matt Dempsey, Inhofe’s spokesman. ‘Sen. Inhofe has been strong in saying that as long as something is authorized and appropriated, it’s notRead… Read more »

Can Improved Internal Transparency Reduce Stress from Inevitable Federal Staff Reductions?

In Preparing your agency for big cuts ahead, Tom Fox wrote this about the coming Federal agency staff reductions: Kill the rumor mill. Agencies have well-developed rumor mills, and I’ve heard from many federal employees that the anxiety and frustrations associated with the budget uncertainties is high. While water cooler gossip is inevitable, as aRead… Read more »

Florida gov gets earful over proposed cut to drug monitoring system

Over the last few days, Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been a subject for conversation among some of his fellow governors. Following news of Florida’s rejection of $2 billion in federal grants for high-speed rail, governors from Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island and Maryland sent letters asking US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood for those funds.Read… Read more »

The Retirement vs. College Savings Smackdown!

Goal: Find a smart strategy for retirement and college savings. 4 Steps to Saving Responsibly: 1. Save 3-6 months of debt payments and other critical expenses. 2. Accelerate payments of high-interest debt so that the total debt you owe is decreasing every month, even if only slightly (meaning you are paying more than the financeRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Preapring your agency for big cuts ahead

Last week, President Obama released his proposed budget for 2012 as Congress struggles to reach consensus on funding government operations for the current fiscal year. While the size of the budget for next year and the level of appropriations for the remainder of this year remain unknown, as federal managers you already know the trendRead… Read more »

Your Turn: Transparency Questions

On Friday, AABPA will host TRANSPARENCY 2011: THE BUDGET AND YOUR CAREER in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Public Financial Publications, Inc. The conference is designed to provide key insights on how the current budget situation and heightened demand for budget skills combine to create aRead… Read more »

Seaport lobbying and the LLC loophole in today’s political law links

SEAPORT EARMARKS. “The budget-cutting fervor that killed earmark spending has sent a panic through the nation’s seaports, where billions of federal dollars have traditionally been directed almost entirely at the discretion of lawmakers.” Roll Call reports. HARMAN DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION COSTS. Who should pay? The Hill explains. “Harman is the third wealthiest member of Congress,Read… Read more »

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 1

There are multiple Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs, so I decided to devote two separate blogs to the concept. After working with several public sector clients, helping spearhead their change initiatives, I have identified the following CSFs: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goalsRead… Read more »

Myth Busters Campaign in Full Swing to Improve Public/Private Sector Communications

As part of an effort to reform the federal acquisition process for technology, US Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, unveiled an ambitious 25-point plan for addressing many of the issues that plague the way the government purchases technology in hopes of delivering more value to the taxpayer. Part of the implementation plan was to counter theRead… Read more »