Posts Tagged: budgeting

Continued Evolution of DoD Cyber Policy

The deputy secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, delivered remarks at the RSA conference that captures a snapshot of DoD cyber policies. This is consistent with the continually improving path the department has been on for the last several years. I recommend a good read of the remarks and hope you shareRead… Read more »

Why User Adoption activities should start before go-live

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Clients often place priority on the technical build and implementation over end-user readiness. Their assumption is that once the new system becomes operational(go-live), they can focus on getting end-users to engage the system as designed. However, clients often have too little knowledge of end-userRead… Read more »

Obama’s FY 2012 Management Initiatives

Attention to the FY 2012 budget’s performance and management initiatives have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the proposed budget cuts by both the President and the Congress, and the resolution of the pending FY 2011 continuing resolution. For the most part, the management section of the budget, reflects a continued commitment to initiatives initiallyRead… Read more »

The DOD Responds to President Obama’s Budget Proposal

Remarks from the Secretary of Defense Secretary of Defense Robert Gates conducted a briefing today to discuss President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposal to Congress. Secretary Gates prefaced his remarks by highlighting two major concerns: the strain on the Department of Defense of operating under a continuing resolution for five months; and the JointRead… Read more »

What Government Public Affairs Can Learn From Donald Trump

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Donald Trump is a master of public branding and marketing for himself and his eponymous business interests. While government doesn’t usually consider itself in the business of “marketing” itself, in reality, the Open Government movement is to some degree about publicizing data and information in order to get it toRead… Read more »

Report: SLG market for justice, public safety IT set for modest gains

According to a new report, the state and local market for justice, public safety and homeland security technology will see an influx of $800 million in new spending over the next five years. Law enforcement officials looking to adopt both cutting-edge and back-office solutions ranging from predictive analytics to court case automation will push theRead… Read more »

The Diary of a Madman

Actor Geoffrey Rush has made a career out of playing eccentric characters. Long before his award winning performance as Lionel Logue in The King’s Speech, Captain Hector Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) or even David Helfgott in Shine (1996) there was his 1989 portrayal of Poprishchin in Diary of a Madman. Adapted fromRead… Read more »

White House recognizes Grammy winner on Twitter, links to performance on YouTube

Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy for Best New Artist tonight. She’s an extraordinary talent. Moments after her win, White House new media director Macon Phillips congratulated her on Twitter and linked to a video of her performance at the White House Poetry Jam on YouTube: ] Shortly after that, the White House account shared theRead… Read more »