Posts Tagged: budgeting

The Only 3 Things You Need to Understand the President’s 2012 Budget

So the President unveiled his budget today…and there are a dozen documents that you could review. For folks not accustomed to looking at the budget, here are three quick places to find the top line nuggets: Great Video from the White House Explaining the Overall Approach 2012 Federal Budget Summary Tables * TIP: Skip toRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part II: The Scope Statement

Welcome to part two of the five- part series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Here is Andy’s question to kick off the discussion: One of my favorite phrases in project management is “Scope Creep.” It sounds cool, but it’s not. It’s awful. Got examples? A simple definition of project scopeRead… Read more »

Calgary Budget Consultation: 13 Design Principles

On Friday, the City of Calgary launched a large-scale citizen engagement project: Our City. Our Budget. Our Future. In February 2011, Council approved the engagement process for the facilitated review of core services and The City’s business planning and budget process. It is an extensive engagement process that will facilitate conversations with citizens, employees andRead… Read more »

What do THEY want?

You and I have both had experiences where we see an employee role their eyes when their phone rings or when a customer is at the counter for assistance. “What do they want?” is what they are thinking, and sometimes even what they say aloud. It’s easy, and perfectly natural, to get frustrated when youRead… Read more »

The Impact of Ignoring Change

I was recently working with a west-coast municipality supporting their Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) business case development process. The project was going quite well as all the ingredients for success were in place, including: Strong executive sponsorship, A committed project manager, and A sound change management (CM) strategy led by a seasoned CM veteran. DuringRead… Read more »

Stepping Up

It’s an historic day for Egypt and for the world. But…when Egypt’s President Mubarak ‘stepped down’…we have to wonder who will be ‘stepping up.’ Of course, we’re hoping to see all segments of the Egyptian population to ‘step up’ equally, but this is not likely. It’s not likely, because many will not have equal choiceRead… Read more »

Peering Into the President’s Crystal (Budget) Ball

Well, we know how Congress feels about the upcoming budget. Three words: cut, cut, cut. In case you’re interested, I posted a list of the programs they’d like to slash and trash here: 1. Note to Congress: Don’t Touch My Program! Sound off there and plan to join our Live Chat next Tuesday: 2. RSVPRead… Read more »

On Becoming a Leading “Word Artist” on Stage and Page: How to ASPIRE-2 – Part I

As a speaker, writer and leader I’m always looking to follow in the mind-prints of, or at least understand and hopefully emulate, Nobel-prize winning scientist, Albert Szent Gyorgyi’s “elegantly simple” words: “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought!” With originality as frame, form and function, whatRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Saba alcher! صباح الخير! Good morning! The State Department is now tweeting in Arabic Land-based Broadband Is 2000-and-Late. President Obama wants 98 percent of the country to have wireless access to the internet by 2016. Trillion-with-a-T? Sounds Fishy to Me. This infographic claims that Americans receive 200 Trillion text messages a day. ToRead… Read more »