Posts Tagged: budgeting

With Regards To Financing A Company, Think Vanilla

When it comes to sales and marketing initiatives the name of the game is to stand out. Typically the goal is to be unique and different from the crowd of competitors. But with finance the opposite is true. It does not pay to do things like carve your own path if you expect to getRead… Read more »

This Valentine’s Day, We Only Have Eyes for Crushing, Crippling, Awe-Inspiring Debt

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and like most of you, I’m planning to write a bad check for piles and piles of gifts. I’m not sure what, really. I won’t keep much track. Even after I buy them, I’ll probably be a little fuzzy on what exactly I paid for. And when theRead… Read more »

Republican Governors call for changes to health care reform

21 Republican governors have sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking for changes to the rules for new state-run health care exchanges outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The letter asks Secretary Sebelius to make six changes to the rules or risk the federal government taking fullRead… Read more »

Azure Open Government

In this blog David Chou provides an excellent synopsis of the core mechanics and fundamental value of Cloud computing. He focuses on Microsoft Azure naturally, and so does this other recent white paper. Business elasticity – As a service In a nutshell these articles describe that the primary business benefits of Cloud computing is thatRead… Read more »

Facebook & Social Media Tips for Feds

Facebook & Social Media Tips for Feds Good tips from Federal Communicators Network newsletter Sarah Scruggs from GPO attended the L2 Social Graph Clinic. Here are her key take-aways. Figure out what you want your Facebook followers to do. They can do multiple things. View old pictures? Become contractors? Learn about your program? Come workRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part I: The Charter

Welcome to the first week of the five week series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Andrew Krzmarzick prepared a weekly question that highlights a part of the guide. This week’s question is about the project charter: “Do you have an example of when a project team did NOT establish aRead… Read more »