Posts Tagged: budgeting

How, and Why, to Be a Data Storyteller

The continued evolution of data transparency requires that governments move data from informing to enabling stakeholders. Pairing modern technology with the timeless art of storytelling is a key way to overcome current public sector challenges and solve real-world problems.

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Government Through Collaboration

A government that works together serves its people better. Yet, interdepartmental collaboration can be difficult to foster and maintain. How can departments align their objectives and start working together?

The Evolution of Performance Management in Government

Policymakers wanting to improve their government’s performance are often presented with a rich menu of choices by their advisers. They are told that they could choose from several options: Budgeting Reforms, Performance Budgeting, Outcome Budgeting, Performance Agreement, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), ISO 9000, Lean Sigma and so on. Alas, as we shall see,… Read more »