Posts Tagged: budgeting

The Stories You May Have Missed Over Winter Break – DorobekINSIDER

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Government is at a crossroad as it attempts to maintain basic citizen and customer services in an increasingly austere environment of “doing more with less”. ACT-IAC has created Smart Lean Government (SLG) Practical Guide to help. We talk to two of the authors. The SEVEN stories that impact your life WashingtonRead… Read more »

How to get a smart, lean gov – Part One

“Government is at a crossroad as it attempts to maintain basic citizen and customer services in an increasingly austere environment of “doing more with less”. The Smart Lean Government (SLG) Practical Guide has been developed to guide change agents as they shape and implement 21st century solutions. It highlights what needs to be done toRead… Read more »

10 Ways To Improve Federal Technology

While it’s good to improve government services through advances in information technology, we also need to do better with what we have, which is our own valuable IT human capital. In the Wall Street Journal today, the “health-site woes” are spurring a push for changes to federal technology, including the possibility of a “federal unitRead… Read more »

Looking back at 2013 – The Wins and Losses

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

Listen to the Experts – Best Insights from DorobekINSIDER Live in 2013

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

You Clicked – See the top DorobekINSIDER Posts from 2013

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

Budget Deal Passes – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The 2013 Best Places to Work rankings of federal workplace satisfaction paint a dismal picture of agency leadership, management and employee opportunities.This year’s governmentwide ranking was an all-time low since the Best Places to Work rankings began in 2003. We cull out some lessons learned. The SEVEN stories that impact yourRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Top Innovations of 2013: Looking Back, Looking Forward

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the 11th time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. 2013 may goRead… Read more »