Posts Tagged: budgeting

Nutrition and Public Education Likely to Gain Attention

As the eyes of Texas are upon the coming budget cuts in Austin, a state that spends the majority of its funding on public education prepares for reductions that will decrease spending for education by at least 16%. While the budget issues are the current center of debate, other bills regarding education will likely gainRead… Read more »

Email Marketing Solutions

We are looking for recommendations on what third-party solutions government agencies are using for email marketing purposes. Our needs include having a solution that offers templates, the ability to manage subscribers and track performance. I’m aware of companies such as MailChimp and Mad Mimi, but we are looking for a company that is based inRead… Read more »

US Trade Agreements Act of 1979

In this month’s blog, I wanted to start out the new year talking about the US Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (“TAA”). Yes, the TAA (19 U.S.C. § 2501 et seq) continues to be one of the main pain points of GSA and USG contractors and at the same time, one of the most confusingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 20, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week I linked to an article arguing that crowdsourcing was broken. Here’s one showing how New York is trying to implement it through a program called “Give a Minute.” Twitter and blogging are helping children’s services in the UK. Examples like these should be making it easier to justify the time governmentRead… Read more »

Government Needs Goals For Success

In December Congress and the Senate passed legislation titled the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, sponsored by Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX). The act requires federal agencies to: Designate senior officials to serve as a chief operating and performance improvement officers. These two officials would be responsible for finding significant cost savings throughRead… Read more »

Personal Branding and Your Online Reputation

Personal branding The idea of personal branding has gained popularity in the last couple of years. It seems to mainly be used to refer to one’s online identity—meaning, mostly, what hits come up if someone Googles your name. Like product branding, the personal brand includes a number of values and ideas. It includes what peopleRead… Read more »

Learning Pool talks Social Care e-learning in Manchester and London

In the run-up to Wednesday’s publication of the health and social care bill David Cameron is discussing his plans to overhaul public services, including the NHS, today. You can voice your thoughts on Cameron’s plans with other social care professionals by grabbing one of the few places remaining at our free expert-led Social Care briefingsRead… Read more »

Australian Whole-of-Government Common Operating Environment

The Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation, has issued a “Whole-of-Government Common Operating Environment Policy” (WofG COE). The most controversial part of this is the mandating of the Office Open XML file format (as used by Microsoft Office), rather than the Open Document Format (as used by and other office packages). Australian Archives currentlyRead… Read more »