Posts Tagged: budgeting

Microsoft to announce cloud-based CRM offering for public sector

Over the last decade, a technology known as customer relationship management (CRM) has slowly crossed over into the public sector. That migration from private to public sector use is about to get a boost with an announcement today from Microsoft that Dynamics CRM will be available online through the cloud. Traditionally used for winning overRead… Read more »

Where Would Diversity Be In America if YouTube Was Invented During Martin Luther King Jr’s Era.

Forty eight years ago,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr led approximately 250,000 men,women, and children to Washington DC for a March for Freedom and Jobs. In 1963 black unemployment was as high as 11%, while unemployments was only 6% for whites. A white family earned, on average about $6,500.00 a year while a black family earnedRead… Read more »

Inquiry into Queensland floods

The Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh, announced a Commission of Inquiry unto Queensland’s January floods. This will be headed by Justice Cate Holmes, with former Queensland Police Commissioner Jim O’Sullivan, and Phil Cummins, chairman of the International Commission on Large Dams. It will look at preparation and planning, performance of private insurers, equipment and communications,Read… Read more »

A Budding Bromance???

Great column in last Sunday’s Beaver County Times about my efforts to make sure some of my colleagues are being held accountable for their campaign promises. Here’s the pertinent part: Crusher takes on Boy Wonder in mansion battle By: J.D. ProseBeaver County Times Fortunately for us, Democratic state Rep. Jesse “Crusher” White didn’t resolve toRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 8

The new law includes other new implementation actions, as well. For example, OPM must identify key skills and competencies for performance management; new definitions of terms; agency chief human capital officers have to prepare the section of their agency’s annual performance plan describing the skills and competencies needed to meet agencies’ goals described in theRead… Read more »

Citizen 2.0 or Client 2.0: The Street-Level Bureaucrat and Engagement 2.0

I started my government career as a street-level bureaucrat. In the summer of 1990 I was a paralegal intern for the Richmond, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. This was a public defenders office that covered four counties and my job was to interview the clients that had been arrested and jailed. I would spend theRead… Read more »

Super Sad True Love Story

Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart starts off as a hilarious farce, an inventive look at the future gone wrong. All your paranoid fears about the Department of Homeland Security are well-represented as a bureaucratic error throws Lenny, the book’s narrator, into absurdist peril. But the novel is much deeper than that. It’sRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act Explained: Part 7

The new law codifies an existing governance framework for performance across government by designating chief operating officers in each major agency and requiring the designation of program improvement officers in each agency. It also authorizes a governmentwide performance improvement council and requires a governmentwide performance website. Governance of Overall Performance System. After the original GPRARead… Read more »

The State of the Coast Guard Address… what’s ADM Papp going to say? [opinion]

We’re just around the corner, historically speaking, from the annual State of the Coast Guard Address and though I dare not think to know what ADM Bob Papp may speak about, if only for the fact that there’s an unlimited amount of things that are on his plate, I happened across a great resource givingRead… Read more »