Posts Tagged: budgeting

Bridging the Digital Divide at NASA

Citizen Engagement at NASA View more presentations from Nick Skytland. NASA Ames will be hosting a Tweetup February 11, 2011! The event will provide NASA Twitter followers the opportunity to speak with scientists and Center leadership. The Tweetup will include a “meet and greet” session to allow participants to mingle with fellow Tweeps and someRead… Read more »

South Africa improves addiction services

Behavioral Healthcare Issue Date: Online Exclusive South Africa improves addiction servicesThe government gets behind a national plan to vastly improve substance use treatment By Ron Manderscheid, PhD This is a story of achievement and success in a distant land. The key ingredients of quality improvement are all present—an overarching framework; focused political will by nationalRead… Read more »

Innovation Leaders: What Makes Manor Tick?

With a population of less than 5,000 and a median household income of around $50,000, Manor, Texas, is an unlikely place to find the cutting edge of government e-participation technologies. But thanks to a young and enterprising Assistant City Manager (Dustin Haisler, now of Spigit), Manor has attracted significant investment from a variety of firmsRead… Read more »

The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

The best gift you can give (or get): Feedback

Feedback is a gift.Think about it. If someone takes the time to share her perceptions of your work, your performance, that means she cares. She cares enough to take her time and energy to help you. It may not feel like a gift when you first get the feedback. Especially if it is negative. ButRead… Read more »

Visualizing Firefox Plugins Memory Consumption

A few months ago the Mozilla Labs and the Metrics Team, together with the growing Mozilla Research initiative, launched an Open Data Visualization Competition. Using data collected from Test Pilot users (people who agreed to share anonymous usage data with Mozilla and test pilot new features) Mozilla asked its community to think of creative visualRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top 5 Federal Collaboration Projects

As Stephen points out, it’s the time of year for reflecting on the best of, and what better way than in classic GovLoop list-style. Here are some of my favorite 2010 Federal Collaboration Projects. 5. Piggy Bank Anyone? As NextGov puts it: You’re never too young to learn financial responsibility. Back in August, the TreasuryRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 17, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It is tempting to talk about “the year winding down,” and perhaps it’s natural to look outside our windows at the frozen ground under a patina of snow (as it is here in DC) and think that the next couple of weeks will be quieter, less eventful, slower. But as recent years haveRead… Read more »