Posts Tagged: budgeting

The Stress Doc’s “Top Ten Commandments” for Transforming Reorganizational Crisis: Generating the Four “R”s – Relief and Reflection, Rejuvenation and Recommitment – Part II

Based on work with a variety of organizational and corporate clients, Part I outlined three necessary transition stress interventions for engaging an angry and anxious audience caught in a rough and rocky reorganizational sea change. (Email [email protected] if you missed Part I.) The foundational interventions were: 1) “Bring Your Inner Clint Eastwood,” 2) “Warm UpRead… Read more »

The White House Wants You, Esteemed Experts!

The White House has been busy the last couple weeks, marking the first anniversary of the Open Government Directive with a live Q&A session, releasing a 25-Point Federal CIO Implementation Plan, and posting an ExpertNet RFI. We also shared a great analysis of the Open Government Initiative by Ph.D. candidate Angela Newell. This week, weRead… Read more »

Saving Money on Government IT (From

Posted by Vivek Kundra on December 10, 2010 at 04:03 PM EST For too long, many government IT projects cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than they should, took years longer than necessary to deploy, and delivered technologies that were obsolete by the time they were completed. This summer we took a hard lookRead… Read more »

Boehner will cut Hill budgets by 5 percent

For all those asking Congress to make the same sacrifices they are asking of others — Incoming Speaker John Boehner said he will propose to cut nearly every office budget by five percent as one of Congress’ first measures next year. In an interview set to air Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” the Ohio RepublicanRead… Read more »

Mobile Virtual Platforms – Possible sea change

(PingBack to original post on There have been a few recent developments that have individually generated an aggregate reaction somewhat equivalent to “Meh” (although the specialty markets and analysts have been abuzz). However, taken together, I think they can form the platform basis for a Sea Change in mobile platforms. Of course, aRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Analysis of Open Government Plans at One Year

Open Government reaches a key milestone this week. Plus, we’re nearing the end of 2010 and many folks will be sharing their Top 10’s for 2010. Rather than launch into that kind of look back here (though that’s all coming soon!), I wanted to highlight some insights I gleaned from Angela Newell, who is completingRead… Read more »

5 Myths About Government Workers

Just in case you did not read the Washington Post this past Sunday (December 5, 2010) Please spread the word – all of these are untrue but still prevail by those outside of the goverment. 1. Federal employees are over paid compared with private-sector workers. 2. The Federal workforce is bigger than ever. 3. YouRead… Read more »

Counting down the Top 10 GovCon stories of 2010 (Number 10)

Logjam at the Defense Contract Audit Agency – Number 10 SummaryDCAA came into the spotlight in 2008 when the GAO revealed there were inappropriate relationships between DCAA employees and government contractors. According to the GAO, contractors had influenced reports and DCAA supervisors pressured subordinates. To help address the challenges at DCAA, Patrick Fitzgerald took chargeRead… Read more »

IT: Breaking Business Unit Barriers with Collaboration Tools?

From OpenSF In a late-2007 management audit of San Francisco’s technology department, the City’s budget analyst recommended that the City’s tech oversight body, the Committee on Information Technology (COIT), “create communications tools for information technology managers to communicate more effectively with each other.” The report also directed a similar recommendation to the technology department: “EstablishRead… Read more »