Posts Tagged: budgeting

Geek Nostalgia – What my geek past has taught me

Its weird when you think back and see how things affect you over time, and how what you know is rooted in the path you take in life. I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s excellent book “Outliers” that carries this underlying message throughout its narrative. Among many of its messages, I was really intrigued by theRead… Read more »

Some Different Thinking around PSA Contests

PSA contests can produce some really interesting results and they can be innovative and creative in ways that the sponsoring organizations often can’t. Moreover, the user-generated messaging has the potential to resonate with target audiences much more effectively than with campaigns that are broader and more diffuse in their approach. With the recent establishment ofRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 3, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week, I wrote about Michael Agger’s article, “How should we use data to improve our lives?” He’s since collected a host of interesting suggestions, and you should check it out and even add your own. American Libraries presents 11 trends for 2011, including quite a few that are relevant for the GovRead… Read more »

eRulemaking Conference @ Brookings: Audio and Slides Available

Audio and slides are available for the conference entitled: The Future of E-rulemaking: Promoting Public Participation and Efficiency, held 30 November 2010, at the Brookings Institution, in Washington, DC, USA. Speakers include: Chairman Paul Verkuil, Administrative Conference of the United States; Cass Sunstein, U.S. Office of Management and Budget; Darrell M. West, Governance Studies; NeilRead… Read more »

Dr. Govlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog

(or or: Why you should join Twitter / start a blog immediately) Note: This post contains GCPEDIA links only accessible within the Government of Canada network. Blogging about blogging. How meta can you get? Not long ago, I made the acquaintance of a young, energized public servant. I was impressed by their1 enthusiasm, imagination, expressionRead… Read more »

Curate your news with Summify

I decided to check out Summify after noting a few people in my community making use of the application. Summify is attempting to make it faster for you to find the most important news, as they note on their home page: “Summify automatically identifies the most important news stories for you across all of yourRead… Read more »

Community Building: Do you Realize?

Here’s a common scenario. You’re part of a community. You put something out there. Something meaningful. You get a few comments back, but really wonder if you’re ever being heard or making any difference. In a world that loves to be measured…through comments, re-tweets, page views, etc., it’s pretty easy to size-up your impact throughRead… Read more »

When the Back Office is the Place to Start – Bringing Technology to Purchasing

Many government customers buy document management software because of its use as a compliance tool. In my agency, we had some serious rules around the use of community development and affordable housing funds and we needed to keep our documents for 35 years and yet still have access to them for annual reviews. And thatRead… Read more »